Maha Elrakaiby

Maha Elrakaiby

Alexandria, Egypt
Degree Pursuing
Masters in Early Childhood/Child Development
Expected Date of Graduation
Summer 2024
Current Research Focus

Develop and evaluate a curriculum for using books in nutrition education of children. Our novel approach is how to practically incorporate dialogic reading with nutrition education strategies to maximize the benefit from the reading experience.

Skills Acquired
  • Literature review
  • Improving writing skills
  • Translating research to practice
Future Goals

After getting my master, I plan to get a Ph.D. I would like to go back to Egypt, and develop programs and consult for improving children’s nutrition and education.

How will the project experience help you achieve your future career goals?

Exposes me to the latest research in the field, helps me learn how to translate research to practice, and improves my writing skills.

Top three strengths that contribute to the project.
  • Self-motivated
  • Fast learner
  • Interested in the topic
Fun Fact
Once I see the word fun, I only think about my daughter.