(Implemented May 2005; process revised 1/2010)
The timeline is as follows:

Late February – Early March– Dean’s office sends a list of eligible seniors to the Department Chair. The Chair contacts option coordinators with the list of the eligible seniors. Option coordinators notify faculty in each option.

Early March – Mid March – Each undergraduate option (Family Science, B to K, Child Development/Early Childhood Education, Family and Consumer Sciences Education, and Inclusive Early Childhood Education) will nominate an outstanding senior with a minimum 3.00 GPA. Each program area will submit the outstanding senior’s name and one to two paragraphs reasoning on why this student is deemed outstanding senior the program area, using the criteria for the award.

Recommended Criteria for Program Areas to use:
*Involvement in extra or co-curricular activities including community involvement
*Quality of in class performances
*Professional demeanor and attitude
*Additional relevant circumstances

Late March – The Chair’s Advisory Committee will select the top Outstanding Senior from the five (5) candidates. The top candidate will receive an additional certificate from the department, and his/her name will be given to the Dean’s Office. The top outstanding candidate will be recognized at the CEHS Awards Banquet held Friday night of finals week where they will be presented a plaque from the College.

The department office will send a certificate and congratulations letter to each program area outstanding senior.

After the Chair’s Advisory Committee meeting, the top outstanding senior’s name will be forwarded to the Dean’s Office. The Dean issues an invitation to the top outstanding senior to attend an awards event. The outstanding senior may invite his/her family and one faculty member. Chairs are also invited to this event.