Become a Member or Affiliate

Become a BRNET Member

In order to receive an invitation to be a member of BRNET, one must have a conferred Ph.D. and at least three years of conducting applied research on bullying/victimization. If you have met these criteria, we would be glad to review your CV. You may send your CV to

You may also send recommendations for potential BRNET members (i.e., faculty, researchers, and clinicians who are conducting research on bullying or related topics) to Drs. Wendy Craig and Susan Swearer, or to

If you have recently joined BRNET and have not yet provided your information, please send the following to

1)    contact information that can be posted on the website;

2)    a brief biography of you and your work;

3)    a list of current/ongoing projects in this area;

4)    an annotated bibliography of your work in this area (i.e., full reference plus a few sentences about the work), and relevant web-based links you would like to share.

Become a BRNET Affiliate

BRNET Affiliates is a group of graduate students, administrators, parents, and individuals who are interested in learning more about the Bullying Research Network. If you are interested in becoming a BRNET Affiliate, please email with the following information: name, title, address, and email address.

BRNET Affiliates receive our monthly newsletter, which includes important information about BRNET as well as current events and researcher spotlights of our members.

You may also send recommendations for potential BRNET Affiliates to Drs. Wendy Craig and Susan Swearer, or to