Aisha LeeChild, Youth and Family Science

Support systems.. People who challenged you to be resilient but also showed incredible levels of support.
Student affairs! I’m currently working as a graduate assistant in Housing and pursuing a masters in College Student Development
UNL is well known throughout the region. Being able to reference my experiences of being involved on campus and supported is always exciting to share. Academically, UNL prepared me through internships and focus on the career after graduation. Professionally, UNL provides so many paid and volunteer opportunities to be involved. Both of these experiences helped me to grow tremendously. I wish I had more room on my resume to include all of the amazing experiences UNL gave me. Taking any experience off the list on my resume always makes me so sad, recalling the professional and personal growth I experienced.
Get involved! It may be intimidating at first and you might go through a trial period of testing out new things.. But you will find your passion and UNL provides so many outlets to satisfy whatever you want to pursue. Find the way you want to impact the world and UNL will help show you how.
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