Spatial Release from Masking

In this study, we aim to measure spatial release of masking for individuals with sensorineural hearing loss with and without hearing aid amplification. The participant is seated in the center of a speaker array, and is instructed to listen to a target sentence and repeat it back in the presence of background noise. The background noise will either come from the same location as the target sentence or from a different location.

This study uses MATLAB to generate the stimuli and record the participant's response. The experimental code to setup the study is listed below.

  • (prefilData_stereo) This command will generate the participant's files for each condition.
  • (runCoolAidSRM_Male) This command will start the study. It will begin by playing the background noise, followed by the target sentence. This command will also provide graphical user interfaces that will alert the patient when to listen and when to repeat, display the participant's progress, and allow the experimenter to record the participant's response. After the condition is complete, the command will calculate the participant's threshold at 20% correct and 80% correct.
  • (data_reset) This command will allow you to redo a condition.

The stimuli used in this study are below.

  • Rainbow passage (Starkey)
  • IEEE Sentences
Spectral Resolution and Speech Recognition

In this study, we aim to evaluate how amplification could give listeners improved access to spectral cues, or frequency information, to aid in speech understanding. First, we measure the participant's spectral resolution by obtaining aided psychophysical tuning curves using a hearing aid simulator. Then, we measure speech recognition in noise using a hearing aid simulator.

This study uses MATLAB to generate the stimuli and record the participant's response. The experimental code to set up the study is listed below.

  • (bsap) This code will allow you to obtain thresholds in quiet and psychophysical tuning curves.
  • (prefilData_stereo) This code will generate the subject's files for each condition.
  • (runSR2) This code will start the study. It will begin by playing the background noise, followed by the target sentence. This command will provide a graphical user interface that will prompt the listener when to listen and repeat the sentence back, display the participant's progress, and allow the experimenter to record the participant's response.
  • (data_reset) This command will allow you to redo a condition.