April 10: Linking Education and Neuroscience

Photo of Edward Hubbard

April 10: Linking Education and Neuroscience

07 Apr 2015    

A growing number of educators, neuroscientists, policy makers and even the general public are excited about the possibility of using findings from neuroscience to improve educational outcomes. Fundamental research is examining questions like, "How do brain systems support learning?" and, "How are brains modified by educational experiences?," but it still remains unclear whether brain scans can impact lesson plans. In his talk from 1:30-2:30 p.m., April 10 in 205 Teachers College Hall, Edward Hubbard will present the case for cautiously bringing these fields together to help create a new field--Educational Neuroscience.

While important theoretical and empirical issues remain, there are also numerous emerging points of contact, and emerging signs of success.  In his presentation, "Linking Education and Heurosciense" The Foundation of a New Field," Hubbard will present some examples from his work in understanding the cognitive and neural mechanisms of basic arithmetic, and suggest some avenues for future directions.

Hubbard is an assistant professor of educational psychology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and at the Waisman Center. He conducts neuroimaging studies in the emerging field of Educational Neuroscience. His initial training was at the University of California, Berkeley where he studied cognitive science and at the University of California, San Diego where he studied experimental psychology and cognitive science. Subsequently Hubbard held post-doctoral appointments at INSERM Cognitive Neuroimaging Unit in France and at the Educational Cognitive Neuroscience Lab in Vanderbilt‘s Peabody College. His research team uses functional MRI to explore the neural basis of numerical and mathematical abilities, synesthesia and multi-sensory integration in adults and children.

College of Education and Human Sciences
Educational Psychology