CEHS welcomes start of new academic year

CEHS welcomes start of new academic year

22 Aug 2011    

CEHS hosted a breakfast meeting, attended by 200 faculty and staff, to celebrate a new year and review progress and opportunities. While UNL's move into the Big 10 signals major new opportunities for growth and collaboration, Dean Kostelnik highlighted CEHS accomplishments over the past year.

The mission statement remains aligned with what Nebraskan's want and need. CEHS is dedicated to enhancing the lives of individuals, families, schools, and communities and to strengthening the relationships among them. Nebraska citizens have told us they expect CEHS to connect education and market demands; demonstrate practical outcomes; conduct research on practice; and provide data.

Last year, CEHS met these expectations in important ways. The college was responsible for 896 publications and presentations, as well as 37 creative works. Furthermore, the number of students who graduated in high need teacher education areas, school administration for high needs schools, and HRTM increased, and CEHS graduates working with high needs populations in Nebraska increased to 64%.

CEHS students report high satisfaction with their CEHS experience: high teacher satisfaction, compelling content, and satisfying careers. CEHS graduate students account for 25% of those enrolled at UNL, and undergraduate enrollment increased a healthy 30% over the last five years.

College of Education and Human Sciences