'Signature Cloths' tells stories through stitches

'Signature Cloths' tells stories through stitches

05 Sep 2014    

A new exhibition opening on Sept. 5 at the International Quilt Study Center & Museum will shed light on the role stitched signatures can play in depicting the lives of the every person.

Guest-curated by British quilt artist and educator Lynn Setterington, “Signature Cloths” focuses on sewn signatures as a method of social engagement and identity throughout history and today. With technology changing the way people communicate, Setterington’s work will challenge viewers to examine how social interaction has evolved throughout the years in addition to showing the constants that remain.

“In comparing quilts of the early 20th century with her new work, Setterington reminds us that family, friends and community remain some of the strongest threads that bind us together as humans,” said IQSCM Curator of Collections Carolyn Ducey. “Her work is thought-provoking and makes one think about things that are right in front of us and how they take on new meaning with the passage of time.”
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College of Education and Human Sciences
Textiles, Merchandising & Fashion Design