Chad Dumas - 1999 Honor Alum

Chad Dumas - 1999 Honor AlumMusic Education

The professors were personable and helpful. In my area (Music Education), classes were generally small and were conducive to better relationships with both fellow-students and faculty, without compromising academic integrity and rigorous learning.
Music Education, then Administration (I was a music teacher, then professional development coordinator, high school principal, and currently central office administrator for a PK - 12 district).
For my Bachelor's, it launched my career. I was able to develop relationships in Lincoln Public Schools through my student teacher experience and work with my advisor that allowed me to get a position in that district. For my Doctorate, it opened doors to relationships, my current position, and service opportunities in education around Nebraska and the U.S.
Use the opportunities available to you to make connections and learn everything that you can. Be involved on campus to engage with different people and ideas so that you can see our common humanity--regardless of perspective, race, gender, class, political affiliation, etc.
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