Section 1
There will be a minimum of two Faculty meetings per year, including one in the first semester and one in the second semester.

Section 2
A meeting may be called in the following ways:

  • By the Chair
  • By petition of 10% of the Faculty.

Section 3
Notification and agenda of regularly scheduled meetings will be distributed to the Faculty at least one week in advance of the meetings. Faculty will be notified of other specially called meetings and receive an agenda in advance.

Section 4
Items will be placed on the agenda by the Chair, any standing or select committee of the Department, or by written request of a Faculty member.

Section 5
A quorum is needed for any action to be made.

  • A quorum will consist of at least 50% of the Faculty with voting privileges (see Section III.1) with the following exceptions:.
    • After proper distribution of the agenda and prior to the faculty meeting, faculty at the rank of Lecturer whose regular job responsibilities prohibit them from attending regularly scheduled faculty meetings, will be able to recuse themselves from being considered in the count for a quorum for the business in that particular faculty meeting by informing the Chair in writing that they choose to be recused. In such cases, they will not be considered in the count for determining quorum
    • Faculty on Professional Development Leave, University-approved Medical Leave, or other similar University-approved extended absence will not be considered in the count determining a quorum.

Section 6
A motion to refer to a mail or electronic ballot of the Faculty will be in order after the call for the question but before the vote is taken.

  • If a motion is referred to a mail or electronic ballot, three working days should be allotted from distribution until deadline for return of the ballot
  • The Chair will verify results of the voting and Faculty will be notified of the results of the balloting.