Within the limits established in the Bylaws and Rules of the Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, and the College of Education and Human Sciences, the Faculty will:

Section 1
Establish rules and policies for the conduct of its business and approve or disapprove proposals for changes in the Bylaws of the Faculty of the Department of Child, Youth and Family Studies;

Section 2
Establish committees for the conduct of Faculty business and assign functions and responsibilities to them;

Section 3
Establish research, instruction, outreach, and extension programs;

Section 4
Establish entrance requirements for the Department and requirements for degrees; approve or disapprove the establishment of programs for endorsements/majors/minors/certificates; determine scholastic standards to be met by students in the Department; establish procedures for probation, suspension, reinstatement, and other measures related to the maintenance of academic standards; and establish other rules concerning curricula, instructional programs, and grading regulations; consistent with the Bylaws of the Regents (2.9) and CEHS;

Section 5
Consider other business brought before it by the Chair, any of the standing department committees, the Faculty, the students, or other authorized persons;

Section 6
Consider other items of broad interest to the Faculty.