Supervisory Chair 'Back-Up' Policy

In the event that the Chair of a Supervisory Committee is unable to continue in the role as Chair, (e.g., leaves the institution, retires, etc.) the student assumes primary responsibility for finding a replacement Chair using the following process:

  1. First, an attempt will be made with the student and the departing Chair to secure a current committee member to serve as Chair.
  2. If no Chair is found in Step 1, the student brings the request for a new Chair to the Chair of the CYAF Graduate Executive Committee.
  3. The Graduate Executive Committee selects a Chair to serve on a temporary basis with the provision that the person may become the permanent Chair if willing to serve in that role.
  4. If no permanent Chair is obtained in the above step, the Department Chair will identify a potential Committee Chair, consult with the faculty member to seek his or her approval and, upon approval, will notify the student.