Faculty must provide students with a written syllabus at the beginning of each semester. The Department has established required components for syllabi for department courses. CEHS has also identified guidelines for syllabi.

The following checklist indicates the components agreed upon by the Department or included in the guidelines of the College, University, or Board of Regents. Those with an asterisk are required by the Department or Board of Regents.

Questions, concerns or requests to deviate from what is listed as required according to the following checklist should be directed to the Department Chair. It is University policy that the Department keeps a copy of all syllabi on file. It is required of all faculty to deliver an electronic copy of the syllabus to the CYAF Department Office Supervisor (or a designee) on or before the start of the fourth week of class in any given semester.

___________ Instructor Name*

___________ Office Location(s)*

___________ Office Hours*

___________ E-mail Address*

___________ Phone Number*

___________ Teaching Assistant (if applicable)*

___________ Course Title* (The official title as indicated in the College bulletin)

___________ Semester/Year*

___________ Course Description or Overview* (This is the official description as indicated in the College bulletin.)

___________ Prerequisites*

___________ Rationale Statement*

___________ Relationship/Contribution of this course to the option/program*

___________ Student or Learner Outcomes/Objectives* (can show the tie to accreditation or overall learner outcomes for the program)

___________ Required Text/Readings*

___________ Teaching/Learning Methods*

___________ Description of Proposed Projects/Assignments

Projects, papers, and speeches scheduled for completion during the last week (15th week) of classes must have been assigned in writing by the end of the 8th week and must be completed no later than Wednesday of the 15th week.

___________ Technology/Material/Equipment requirements (e.g., E-mail account, calculator, access to Blackboard, video or digital camera)

___________ Evaluation Criteria*

___________ Grading Policy/Scale*

  • _____Students should be able to determine their standing in the course throughout the semester. This section should identify what activities will be graded, the potential points that can be earned for each activity, and the number of points or percentage points for the final letter grade.
  • _____ If grades are adjusted, describe how the adjustment of grades is determined and administered.
  • _____ Indicate if there is an opportunity for extra credit. If so, it must be provided to all students not just those who are failing the course.

___________ Specific grading requirement – Does the student have to earn a specific grade or better in order to have the class count toward graduation?

___________ Grade Review – Statement indicating opportunities for students to discuss grades/evaluations. For example: Office hours can be utilized to discuss and clarify concerns regarding grades or evaluations.

___________ Exam Scheduling Policy*

According to Academic Senate policy: “Final examinations are to be given only during the regularly scheduled time as published in the Official Schedule of Classes or at another time during finals week mutually agreeable to all concerned.” The only examinations that may be given during the last week (15th week) of classes are: laboratory practical examinations, make-up or repeat examinations, and self-paced examinations. (See rules regarding anonymous method for obtaining agreement.)

If the instructor is replacing the final exam with a project, paper, or speech, the due date for the assignment can be anytime during the 15th week or during finals week, providing the assignment has been given by the 8th week. Students should also be given a policy for what happens if a student can’t take an exam at the scheduled time.

___________ Class Attendance Policy – If class attendance is monitored, describe how this will be accomplished and any consequences related to class attendance.

___________ Grade of “I” – If more rigorous standards regarding completion of course work to remove an “I” than the student handbook, this should be stated in the syllabus.

___________ Pass/No Pass Policy – Can the class be taken P/N? What grade is required to earn a P?

___________ Course Outline*

  • _____ Sequence of course lectures/laboratory topics
  • _____ Schedule of reading assignments
  • _____ Proposed project due dates
  • _____ Proposed examination dates

___________ Statement of Academic Integrity*

“Academic honesty is essential to the existence and integrity of an academic institution. The responsibility for maintaining that integrity is shared by all members of the academic community. To further serve this end, the University supports a Student Code of Conduct which addresses the issue of academic dishonesty.”

___________ Diversity Statement*

“The University of Nebraska-Lincoln is committed to a pluralistic campus community through Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity. We assure reasonable accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act. Students with disabilities are encouraged to contact me for a confidential discussion of their individual needs for academic accommodation. It is the policy of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln to provide flexible and individualized accommodation to students with documented disabilities that may affect their ability to fully participate in course activities or to meet course requirements. To receive accommodation services, student must be registered with the Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) office, 132 Canfield Administration, 472-3787 voice or TTY.”

___________ Statement indicating cell phones and beepers must be turned off.

Additional Suggestions for consideration (if applicable to the course) – not required

___________ Academic Freedom (example of wording)

Over the course of this semester we will address a variety of controversial topics, including matters of race, gender, culture, religion, morality, sexuality, and violence. I will provide you with a variety of perspectives on each topic covered in this class. You have a right to believe whatever you believe about such matters and are encouraged to express your views on all matters relevant to the course, even if others in the class may be offended or upset by those views. You also have a right to express your disagreement with whatever views I or others in the class express. Finally, you have the right to decide whether or not to modify your views. Your grade in the class will be based on your understanding and reasoning of the theory and concepts in the course, not on your opinion, or the opinion of others.

___________ Civility (example of wording)

Individuals are expected to be cognizant of what a constructive educational experience is and respectful of those leading and participating in a learning environment. Failure to do so can result in disciplinary action.

___________ Copies of Work

It is recommended that students make a copy of any submitted assignments they turn into the instructor as a record and a back-up of their work.

_________ The following cross-cutting and/or integrative issues are addressed in the course

Objective Number
_________ A. Critical thinking
_________ B. Written communication skills
_________ C. Oral communications
_________ D. Analytical skills
_________ E. Values/ethics
_________ F. Diversity
_________ G. Global perspectives