Cochlear Implant Research Lab seeking adult research participants
14 Oct 2020 By Kelcey Buck
The Cochlear Implant Research Lab at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Barkley Memorial Center needs adults over the age of 55 to participate in a research study at the lab.
Participants in the study must have normal hearing and be native speakers of American English. It requires one visit to the Barkley Center of less than one hour for a hearing screening test and a cognitive screening test. Participants will be compensated $15 per hour to complete the study, plus additional compensation for travel based on mileage from the residence to the lab.
This is part of a study being conducted at the Cochlear Implant Research Lab to better understand how adults with cochlear implants perform on a cognitive screening test compared to adults with normal hearing. The cognitive screening tests measure thinking and memory skills.
To schedule a time to participate, contact the Cochlear Implant Research Lab at or 402-472-3950. For more information about the study, contact lab director and associate professor in Special Education and Communication Disorders Michelle Hughes at
Special Education and Communication Disorders
College of Education and Human Sciences