MPUP-IP project recruiting for second cohort to begin Summer 2021

Two graduate student clinicians work on aural rehabilitation with a young boy who has a cochlear implant.

MPUP-IP project recruiting for second cohort to begin Summer 2021

29 Oct 2020     By Kelcey Buck

The Mid-Plains Professional Upgrade Partnership – Interdisciplinary Preparation in Deaf Education and Speech-Language Pathology (MPUP-IP) project is recruiting master’s-level students for its second cohort to begin in the summer of 2021. 

The project is funded by a $1 million grant from the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Special Education Programs (H325K190109). Its first cohort, which started in summer 2020, includes five students in the speech-language pathology (SLP) master’s program and five students in the master’s and endorsement program in teaching students who are deaf or hard of hearing (TOD). For its second cohort, which is set to begin next summer, the project’s directors are aiming to recruit a total of 14 students, seven from each program. 

The MPUP-IP grant covers up to 40 graduate credits (in- and out-of-state) for each student in the program. In addition, students receive a personal copy of the American Psychological Association (APA) Manual – 7th Edition, travel expenses and housing to attend the mandatory pre- and post- MPUP-IP Summer Institutes in Lincoln, coaching from a TOD or SLP mentor, and membership to a TOD or SLP professional organization upon completion of the program. 

Students in the MPUP-IP project complete 15 hours of interdisciplinary coursework, comprised of shared coursework and assignments, collaborative field experiences and collaborative student teaching experiences. The goal is to address the critical shortage of professionals who serve children and youth who are deaf or hard of hearing in Nebraska and the surrounding Mid-Plains states. The project seeks to train high-quality TODs and SLPs who are able to provide strong interdisciplinary services to improve the developmental, educational and post-secondary outcomes of students who are deaf or hard of hearing. Prospective students do not need to reside in one of the Mid-Plains states in order to apply. 

The deadline to apply for the Summer 2021 cohort is Jan. 15, 2021. For more information about the MPUP-IP project, visit its website.

Special Education and Communication Disorders