Hope, Well-being, and Engagement: Increasing Hope, Well-being and Engagement using the 40 Developmental Assets

Shayna Cook and Lindsey Luly

Being in middle school is no easy task.  From the outside it seems that a simple life is all that is required.  However, The Gallup Student Poll on hope, well-being, and engagement unearthed that Schoo Middle School’s students were facing factors that impacted their school day.  Over the last 3 years over 40% of incoming students consistently did not have hope for their future, 30% were not satisfied with their well-being, and students felt they were not engaged during instructional hours 35% of the time.  Our hope is to focus on the 40 Developmental Assets, consequently increasing the hope, well-being, and engagements of our students, and ultimately increase student learning.

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