Building the Team: Creating a culture within faculty of support and excellence through the shaping of school climate

Lloyd McIntyre and Mark Otte

A  school faculty is a collection of individuals united behind a common mission, to educate.  The individuals  on the faculty must possess a diversity of skills, knowledge, and personalities to reach and teach every student at the school in all the areas that education occurs.

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Freshmen Leadership Initiative: A Framework for Developing Self-Leadership

Kelly Verkamp and Matt Wrenholt

Do we believe that every student can be a leader?  Is leadership for everyone?   Yes.


This freshmen leadership project is based on the leadership beliefs established by the Kellogg Foundation (2000):

1. Every student has the potential to be a leader

2. Leadership cannot be separated from values

3. Leadership skills must be taught

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Grade-Level Realignment: A Journey of Discovery to Improve Transitions Between Schools

Amy Evans
Jon Frey

In 2014, citizens of Columbus, Nebraska approved a bond issue to build a new high school in the community. Columbus Public Schools is now moving forward with a plan to transition 9th-12th grades to the new high school building in December 2016.

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Hope, Well-being, and Engagement: Increasing Hope, Well-being and Engagement using the 40 Developmental Assets

Shayna Cook and Lindsey Luly

Being in middle school is no easy task.  From the outside it seems that a simple life is all that is required.  However, The Gallup Student Poll on hope, well-being, and engagement unearthed that Schoo Middle School’s students were facing factors that impacted their school day.  Over the last 3 years over 40% of incoming students consistently did not have hope for their future, 3

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Improving Academic Achievement Through Student Empowerment

Linda K. Haas and Mark J. Hagge

How can schools effectively engage and empower all students to create a culture of high achievement?


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Improving Academic Competencies of English Language Learners through Educator Professional Development

Judy Stoehr and Megan Welch

Many of Nebraska’s communities are experiencing increasing numbers of students who are English language learners. This is presenting a new challenge to Nebraska school districts, as these students typically have a more difficult time developing academic English.

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Maximizing Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports (PBiS)

Shannon Hall-Schmeckpeper, Amy Maschka, David Bollish

Academic, behavioral, and motivational concerns for students plague our schools today.  Educators are looking for ways to increase academic accountability, decrease behavioral concerns, and increase student motivation.  Contextual factors, such as the overall climate of the school, influence how teachers respond to behavioral concerns.

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Meeting the Unique Needs of Spanish Heritage Language Learners - Cubriendo las Necesidades de los Estudiantes de Español como Lengua de Herencia

Montessa Muñoz and Janine Theiler

Spanish Heritage Language education is an emerging field.  There exists little research dealing with training instructors of heritage languages (UCLLLT, 2002, p. 5), and there is no established theoretical or pedagogical base for the teaching of heritage languages.

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Poverty, Stress and Learning

Sean Molloy, Erin Pfister, and Cindy Karel

Closing the achievement gap is an important focus in schools. Results on standardized tests indicate students of low socioeconomic status (SES) consistently perform lower in reading and mathematics. Results from scientific studies demonstrate that the conditions under which impoverished children live affects the development of specific areas of their brain.

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Strategies for Effective Early Childhood Programs

Lindsey Keller and Me-Anne Del Rosario

In the White House paper entitled, Knowledge and Skills for the Jobs of the Future (2013), it stated that the expanding access to high quality early childhood education is among the smartest investments that the government can make.

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Utilizing Parent Liaisons to Build Trust with Diverse Language Communities

Melissa Hernández
Eda Prudente

Language diversity is continuing to grow in the state of Nebraska. Research shows that there is a disconnect or a state of mistrust between schools and families that speak a language other than English at home. We believe that the implementation of a parent liaison would help our communities to become more connected with our schools and improve student achievement.

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Developing and Promoting Positive Learning Climates

Mandy Nickolite
Demetra Simmons
Jennifer Wagner

How can we develop and promote positive learning climates to increase student learning? Creating a positive learning climate shows positive effects on both teachers and students.

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