Computer Science Ed CSD/CSP applications are now open!

Computer Science Education in Nebraska!

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Computer Science Training for Inservice and Preservice Teachers!

Anyone can learn to teach computer science!

Computer Science Professional Learning Opportunities

CSPD for K-12 Teachers

  • Video thumbnail

    New to computer science? Start with!

    With's comprehensive CS curricula, teaching platform (CodeStudio), lesson plans, instructional materials, hands-on training run by our certified & trained facilitators, and ongoing community support, if you didn't have any background knowledge of computer technology, computer science, whatever the case may be, you can successfully teach these courses!
    Learn more and apply!
  • AIR@NE promo video

    CSForAll: Adapt, Implement, and Research at Nebraska (AIR@NE)

    This is an NSF-funded grant that examines the adaptation and implementation of a validated K-8 Computer Science curriculum in diverse school districts. The primary goal is to study how districts facing different contextual challenges, including rural schools, majority-minority schools, and Native American reservation schools, adapt the curriculum to fit local needs and strengths to broaden participation in computer science.
    Applications are now being accpeted and will be reviewed on a rolling basis until all spots are filled. For questions, please email at
    Learn more and apply!
  • TEAC 490/890 thumbnail

    TEAC 490/890 Creative Coding for Teachers!

    This online mini summer session (June 14 - July 7) is a collaboration between TLTE and the Johnny Carson Center for Emerging Media Art and introduces you to writing code in the context of the emerging media arts. We will learn to read and write code in the programming language P5.js. While we become comfortable with key programming concepts, we will build digital and interactive artworks. Students will reflect on their creative coding process, and respond to the creative and technical work of peers.
    Learn more about the course

CSEd Event Calendar

More CSEd Resources

    • 509 teachers from 232 schools out of 1,998 K-12 schools across Nebraska have participated in our elementary, middle and high school programs since our program launches.
    • In the past year, a total of 788 out of 1,998 K-12 schools across Nebraska have been active on
    • Our middle and high school PDs have been focusing on schools in rural areas. 59% of the participants in our MS and HS PDs (MS 56% & HS 63%) are from the schools in the Town or Rural areas. 97% of our middle and high school PD participants are White, but we are aiming to diversify our teacher workforce.

    47% of K-12 schools in Nebraska teach Computer Science!

    99 out of 202 middle schools (49.01%) in Nebraska teach CS.
    136 out of 270 high schools (50.37%) in Nebraska teach CS.
    More CS landscape data

For More Information