Friends group meets for gallery-related brainstorming
04 Apr 2009
FRHTG board members Nancy Childs (l.) and Sue Rieber (r.) toast the Friends and the success of their gallery initiatives.
On Friday March 27 Dean of Undergraduate Studies and TCD faculty member Dr. Rita Kean hosted at her home an evening of food, drink, fun conversation and brainstorming for board members of the Friends of the Robert Hillestad Textiles Gallery. The principal support group for the gallery, the Friends have been instrumental in moving forward numerous gallery-related projects, from the recent Celebration Threads exhibition of work by Dr. Robert Hillestad and the accompanying monograph on his work that they published, to the summer 2009 gallery renovation that is expected to get underway in May.
Friends President Victoria Kovar and board members Jennifer Graham and Tina Koeppe at the board get-together.
The evening was an opportunity for members to get to know each other better, share their interests, and consider new ideas for special events in support of the gallery. Friends President Victoria Kovar welcomed the group and led the discussion that capped off the evening.
Textiles, Merchandising & Fashion Design