TCD Faculty and Grad Students Welcome Emeriti Faculty

TCD Faculty and Grad Students Welcome Emeriti Faculty

16 May 2009    

TCD Emeriti faculty (seated, from left) Dr. Audrey Newton, Assoc. Prof. Viletta Haddel,      Dr. Joan Laughlin, and (standing) Prof. Carol Thayer, Dr. Rob Hillestad

On May 13 TCD faculty and guests welcomed Emeriti faculty for what turned out to be a very successful and gratifying brunch in the new TCD conference room. All of TCD's surviving Emeriti attended and were able to see the gallery of their portraits now hanging in the conference room. Dean Kostelnik and several graduate students also joined those faculty who were on hand, and it was nice to see three generations of TCD scholars saluting one another.

Emma Lehman made a brief but insightful presentation outlining her research into a Renaissance-era metal corset, and several faculty commented on development experiences that they were able to pursue with partial support from the Audrey Newton Fund. Dr. Newton is a former TCD department chair and appreciated hearing about how her gift to the department is helping TCD faculty. Dr. Joan Laughlin, another former TCD chair, suggested that TCD do such an event annually, as Emeriti faculty do enjoy hearing about what's going on in the department and especially like meeting new faculty and hearing about their research and creative endeavors.

Graduate student Emma Lehman discusses her ongoing research into a 16th century corset at the May 13 Emeriti brunch in the new TCD conference room 

An event such as this underscores the continuum of activiity that this department embodies, and it reminds TCD members that everything they do contributes to that continuum. TCD looks forward to future opportunities to put the spotlight on the department's connections to its past and linkages to its future.
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