Cody Hollist Portrait Picture

Marie Dutra Gross

After a career teaching English to international students, I enrolled in a Family Studies doctoral program to fulfill a longtime dream. I am looking forward to a career as a scholar of international families who suffer from incest. Therefore, my primary research focus is prevention of childhood sexual abuse with family systems theory informed programming and policy making. Traditionally, pedophilia has been approached from a criminal justice perspective with punishment after the act. Recently, however, researchers are studying the prospect of a prevention model. Thus, I pose family dynamics must be the focus of an effective prevention program.

Summary of Research Projects
Selected Publications and Presentations

Dutra Gross, R. M. (2018, February). Ensino de alunos internacionias [Teaching international students]. Lecture conducted from the University of Nebraska Lincoln, United States.

Dutra Gross, R. M. (2020, March). Human trafficking in Indian country. Poster presented at No Limits 2020 Student Research Conference, Kearney, NE. Dutra Gross, R. M. (2019, October). Experiência em humildade cultural [A Cultural Humility experience]. Lecture conducted from the University of Nebraska Lincoln, United States.

Dutra Gross, R. M. (2020, October). Human trafficking in southern Brazil. In C. Williamson, (Chair), International Human Trafficking and Social Justice Conference. Conference conducted at the meeting of The Human Trafficking and Social Justice Institute, Ohio.