Banner and Image Examples

Display Banner Subhead

Banner Title: Images

The responsive design crop here is similar to the hero.

16x9 Hero Background Banner

The following examples all have the same image embedded in a text area one of the three ways.   It's a 528x297 image.

  1. Default (Natural Size)
  2. Narrow (Approx. 50% of Container)
  3. Wide (100% of Container)
16x9 small
16x9 small
16x9 small
Narrow with caption slightly left? Bug?
16x9 small


16x9 small
16x9 small
16x9 small

Try changing the screen size to the effect.

Default:  Always shown at natural size until the column gets too narrow, and then it's 100% of the column width.

Wide:  Always 100% of the column it is put in.

Narrow:  Less than full width of column, but depends on the size of the containing col.  Bigger = small %;  Smaller = big %;

Adding a caption will left align a default sized image.


16x9 small
16x9 small
16x9 small


16x9 small
16x9 small
16x9 small
16x9 small
16x9 small
16x9 small
16x9 small
16x9 small
16x9 small

Same image in a card

Is cropped slightly to something like 4:3

16x9 Half Sized
16x9 true

When inserted via simple media component, you have a few different crops to choose from, such as 1:1 (Square) above.

16x9_example Image

When inserting via simple media, some options may have set crops, such as this dot drop shadow.  Crop is set to 1:1 but it is not displaying that way.