Dr. Dev's workgroup on Family Style Dining, published over 20 media channels nationally and internationally.
- Food for Thought: Nebraska Quarterly
- Research digesting why children, vegetables don’t always mix: Nebraska Today
- Buffett Institute funds grad student’s research into healthy eating habits: Nebraska Today
- Child care study examines whether kids eat healthier when mealtimes are positive: CYFS News
- Children should serve themselves at meal time to combat obesity: The Telegraph
- Children Should Serve their own Meals to Prevent Obesity: NineMSN
- Don’t Pressure Preschoolers to Overeat: Fox 4 News- Health
- Don't Pressure Preschoolers to Overeat, Experts Say: Filling their own plate may help young kids learn to understand their body's hunger cues: Health Day News
- Don’t Pressure Preschoolers to Overeat: WICU 12 WSEE TV
- 'Family-Style' Meals Teach Kids Healthy Food Habits; Study, International Business Times
- Family Meal Time can Prevent Obesity in Children-Encouraging a Family Meal Experience can help Children Develop Healthier Relationships with Food: Eat drink Better
- Families who Serve Dinner AT the table have slimmer children-because they learn when they are full: Daily Mail; Health
- Passing Bowls Family-Style Teaches Day-Care Kids Hunger Cues, Fights Obesity: Medical Xpress
- Passing Bowls Family-Style Teaches Daycare Kids to Respond to Hunger Cues, Fights Obesity: Science Daily
- Passing Bowls Family-Style Teaches Day-Care Kids to Respond to Hunger Cues, Fights Obesity: College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences, Illinois
- Passing Bowls Family-Style Teaches Daycare Kids to Respond to Hunger Cues, Fights Obesity: National Collaborative Childhood Obesity Research
- Why Letting Kids Serve Themselves May be Worth the Mess: National Public Radio
- Children Learn to Respond to Hunger Cues When Allowed to Serve Themselves: Parenting Patch
- Are You Full Yet? Letting Toddlers and Young Children Serve Themselves at the Table can Reduce the Risk of Childhood Obesity, According to Recent Studies: The Baby Website
International Articles:
Press releases with Dr. Dev’s work related to childhood obesity
- Parent Routines, Child Routines, and Family Demographics Associated with Obesity in Parents and Preschool-aged Children: Frontiers in Psychology: Developmental Psychology (April 29, 2014).
- How Parenting Style Affects Childhood Obesity: Health and Fitness
- Preschooler Obesity Influenced by Parents, Sleep: Web Pro News
- Overcoming Obesity: Changing Hearts and Minds (Community Practitioner UK): Cloud Computing Magazine
- Study Reveals Three Key Risk Factors Associated with Child Obesity: The Rock River Times
- 3 Risk Factors Predict Childhood Obesity More than Any Others: What are They?: Medical Daily
- Top Three Risk Factors for Child Obesity: Consumer Affairs
- Study Finds Three Avoidable Risk Factors for Chlidhood Obesity: Healthline News
- Childhood Obesity’s 3 Top Risk Factors Identified: Parents News
- 3 Risk Factors highly Correlated with Childhood Obesity
- Researchers Identify Primary Factors Responsible for Preschool Obesity: RedOrbit Health
- Researchers Identify Primary Factors Responsible for Preschool Obesity: Children’s Medical Group of Greenwich
International Articles
- Ean simple Oplossing Voor Obesitas bij Kinderen: News Monkey (January 16, 2014)
- Ποιοι παράγοντες ευθύνονται για την παιδική παχυσαρκία: Πρώτη καταχώρηση: (Παρασκευή, 7 Φεβρουαρίου 2014).
- Obliger son enfant à terminer son assiette : une très mauvaise idée!: Magic Maman (April 2, 2014)
- 和家人一起进餐 孩子身材更苗条: 育儿文章排行榜 (January 16, 2014)
- Makan di Meja Makan, Cegah Anak Kegemukan: Kompas Health (January 15, 2014)
- Naukowcy rozpoznali trzy główne czynniki ryzyka otyłości u dzieci: Nauka w Polsce
- Mengidentifikasi 3 Faktor Resiko Signifikan Anak Obesitas Usia Pra Sekolah: Nestle Nutrition Institute (January 25, 2014).