Naveta Bhatti
MS Child, Youth and Family Studies
Ludhiana, India
Degree Pursuing
MS Child, Youth and Family Studies (Specialization: Child Development/Early Childhood Education)
Expected Date of Graduation
May 2024
Current Research Focus
- Factors impacting dietary quality of immigrant children in US, especially dietary acculturation and federal nutrition assistance programs (FNAPs) participation
- Responsive feeding and its impact on children’s dietary intake and health
Skills Acquired
- Excellent communication and teamwork, fostering effective collaboration
- Receptive to feedback, and collaborative in refining research approaches
- Strong work ethic, demonstrating dedication and diligence in research pursuits
- Skillful in engaging with research participants, establishing rapport, and confidentiality
- Dissemination of research through social media platforms (twitter, Facebook)
- Methodology: Dietary Observation in Childcare Centers (DOCC), Mealtime Observation at Childcare center (MOCC), Survey development
- Software:
- Nutrition Analysis: ESHA Food Processor® Nutrition Analysis software
- Systematic Review: Covidence
- Data Analysis: Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS), R, NVivo
- Survey Methods: Qualtrics, PEARS
- Citation Manager: Mendeley, Zotero
Professional Membership or Affiliation
- Registered Medical Practitioner- Madhya Pradesh Medical Council (India)
- Nebraska Academy for Early Childhood Research (NAECR) Student Researcher Group
Future Goals
Aspire to pursue research focusing on long term child health, chronic disease prevention and improving health outcomes in culturally diverse and marginalized communities. My passion lies in exploring effective strategies to promote healthy lifestyle behaviors among children and families.
How project experience will help you achieve your future career goals.
Through active participation in survey development for a state-wide needs and assets assessment project “Healthy People, Healthy State”, I've acquired a comprehensive understanding of the intricate processes involved in crafting effective data collection tools. This hands-on experience holds immense value as I explore the domain of federal nutrition assistance programs (FNAPs) and investigate topics such as dietary acculturation and the dietary quality of children from culturally diverse backgrounds. Additionally, immersing myself in the study of social frameworks has enriched me with both theoretical insights and practical applications. This knowledge has heightened my capacity to grasp the multifaceted roles that various institutions and policies play in promoting the overall well-being of children.
Collaborating within an interdisciplinary team of esteemed researchers focused on food security, nutrition equity, and pediatric obesity prevention has been an enriching journey. This collaborative effort has exposed me to diverse perspectives, promoting an environment where innovative solutions are cultivated to tackle complex challenges.
Top three strengths that contribute to the project.
- Medical background
- Collaborative nature
- Diverse cultural background
Conference Presentations
Hasnin, S., Bhatti, N., & Dev, D.A. (2023). Criterion-related Validity of Veggie Meter® to Estimate Fruit and Vegetable Consumption in Non-Hispanic White Preschool Children. Poster accepted at the Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior’s 2023 Annual Conference.