What is Deaf-Blindness?
Deaf-blindness is a combination of sight and hearing loss that affects a person's ability to communicate, to access information, and to get around. The Nebraska Deaf-Blind Project provides statewide support to students with a combined vision loss and hearing loss, their educational team members, and families. Services include Technical Assistance, professional development opportunities, and maintaining a statewide Child Count of students with deaf-blindness in Nebraska.
Technical Assistance
The Nebraska Deaf-Blind Project is available to provide an array of technical assistance, information, and dissemination to students, school personnel, and families. To request consultation, professional development, or other information, please complete the Technical Assistance Form (PDF) and email to Amy Rhone, Project Director, at amy.rhone@nebraska.gov, or return by U.S. mail:
Nebraska Deaf-Blind Project
Nebraska Department of Education
Office of Special Education
500 S. 84th St., 2nd Floor
Lincoln NE 68510-2611

Child Count
Please complete the Child Count Form (PDF) for any student in Nebraska who has a combined hearing and vision loss; this refers to any degree of hearing loss in conjunction with any degree of vision loss (students do not need to be totally deaf and/or totally blind). Students do not need to be verified Hearing Impaired, Visually Impaired, or Deaf-Blind on their MDT. The child count is a separate record-keeping system compiled by each state's deaf-blind project; only numerical data is reported to the National Center on Deaf-Blindness; names are kept strictly confidential. Completed forms should be returned to Amy Rhone, Project Director, via email or by U.S. mail:
Nebraska Deaf-Blind Project
Attn: Mackenzie Savaiano
202 Barkley Memorial Center
PO Box 830738
Lincoln NE 68583-0738

Fact Sheets
International Journal of Developmental Disabilities (PDF) - August 15, 2019
Checklist of Educational Needs for Individuals with CHARGE Syndrome (PDF) - August 15, 2019
The Use of Interveners for Children who are Deaf-Blind (PDF) - November 27, 2017
Environmental Considerations for Children who are Deaf-Blind (PDF) - May 20, 2015
Possible Causes of Deaf-Blindness (PDF) - December 8, 2014
Access to Meaningful Communication (PDF) - September 30, 2014