IDEA3 (Internet Delivered Enhanced Assess, Acknowledge, Act)

Sexual assault remains a serious and growing problem on college campuses in the United States. Studies show as many as one in four college women experience rape or attempted rape before graduation. An evaluation of Enhanced Assess, Acknowledge, Act (EAAA), an in-person sexual assault resistance course for first-year female college students, showed a 50% reduction in attempted or completed rape, reduction in self-blame and increased confidence in recognizing risk among participants. The IDEA3 project seeks to determine the effectiveness of the EAAA program when it is delivered online. The IDEA3 team will examine the adapted EAAA program over five years, with intervention delivery and data collection beginning in Fall 2023.

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Study Details


This study is designed for first-year female college students. Four research sites will participate in the trial — two in Canada, and two in the United States, including the University of Nebraska–Lincoln (UNL). We anticipate a total of 1,920 participants across sites, including 480 UNL students.


Participants will be randomly assigned to one of two conditions. They will either receive the 12-hour IDEA3 training, or they will complete a standard 60-minute online consent workshop. Participants will complete online surveys before and after completing their program, and again about six and 12 months later. Rates of sexual assault experienced by women who did and did not take IDEA3 will be compared.

Research Questions

The primary question we are seeking to answer is whether the online adaption of this program will reduce the risk of completed rape by approximately 37% one year after the intervention. Additional questions we seek to answer are whether this program reduces attempted rape, sexual coercion and forced sexual contact one year following the intervention.

Project Collaborators

This study is led by researchers and scholars from the University of Nebraska–Lincoln, University of Michigan, Ontario’s University of Guelph and the University of Windsor. Funding is provided by a grant from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research.


The Enhanced Assess, Acknowledge, Act (EAAA) Sexual Assault Resistance Program was developed in 2016 by the non-profit Sexual Assault Resistance Education (SARE) Centre. The program helps first-year female college students resist sexual assault and empower them to recognize risk for sexual violence, prioritize their own sexual rights, learn defense strategies and explore their relationship values.

In a clinical trial at three Canadian universities, participants who completed the program were 50% less likely to experience rape or attempted rape in the next year, compared to women who did not receive the program. The program also reduced self-blame if sexual assault occurred, which is critical for recovery.

These findings provide a hopeful outlook for how university campuses may become safer and healthier environments for students — particularly college women. IDEA3 will transition this successful in-person program to an online format, which will increase its reach and require fewer resources to implement.

EAAA works to reduce sexual violence for women-identified students while challenging victim blame and is a critical piece of larger comprehensive prevention.”

— Katie Edwards, Ph.D., Co-Investigator


For more information about the project, please contact:

Katie Edwards

Katie M. Edwards
