2021 Dating & Sexual Violence Prevention Workshop

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

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Youth Voices in Prevention: Leading the Way for Safer Communities

A March 30 youth-led webinar highlighted successes, challenges and the future of Youth Voices in Prevention (Youth VIP).

During the event, youth leaders and adult mentors discussed how and why they became and remained involved in the program, and how Youth VIP has impacted their lives — and the lives of those closest to them.

Program participants shared how they were engaged, educated and empowered to become leaders in their community to prevent sexual and related forms of violence.

“Before I joined Youth VIP, if I was in a situation, I wouldn’t know what to do,” said Larissa, a student participant. “I’ve learned so many things and I feel so much more comfortable speaking up. It gave me a different way to see my life.”

Larissa said she most enjoyed the program’s learning environment and the people she met through Youth VIP.

Peyton, another student, said she shed some of her shyness while participating in the program.

“It really helped me find my voice and be able to start a conversation about these topics,” she said. “I’ve enjoyed learning about this going through the course."