Dian PickerelHome Economics Fashion Design and Interior Design

Dian Lawrence
I lived at Love Memorial Hall for the first 2 years of college and really had a great experience bonding with the girls with mostly my farm background. I loved my time spent with Dr. Hillstead as I was on his work study team. I worked, went to school , and married in those 4 1/2 years. I had some wonderful help from lots of staff during that busy time in my life.
My first job out of college was with Hoppe Lumber Company in the flooring/ cabinet /interiors department. I learned everything practical about interior design. I was in the flooring industry for about 5 years out of college. 
I moved into commerical office equipment and design and have been in this business for my whole adult life. It has been the most rewarding experience I could imagine.
I was very well schooled for my first job out of college and felt confident in myself. I left western Nebraska for college, and have continued to live and work in Lincoln. This is my home. I had 2 children attend UNL, so again this is our college.
Savor the experience and be part of the experience, not on the side lines.
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