Julie Johnson, CYAF, honored with Floyd S. Oldt Boss of the Year award

Julie Johnson, CYAF, honored with Floyd S. Oldt Boss of the Year award

07 Dec 2010    

Julie Johnson, chair of CYAF, has been presented with the the Floyd S. Oldt Boss of the Year Award. The award recognizes a UNL employee who has demonstrated excellence in personnel management, outstanding skills in employee supervision, and excellent interpersonal relations. Jonhson was awarded an engraved plaque and stipend, as well as a one-year UNOPA membership.

Helen Raikes, CYAF, noted in her nomination letter, "Dr. Johnson has excellent supervisory skills. She has delegated many of the department management tasks to key faculty persons and faculty committees thus she seems to keep thousands of plates spinning nicely. She is very supportive to the committee chairs and provides advice when solicited but also respects the delegated chair to make key leadership decisions. She has good relationships with people and has an uncanny knack for assigning responsibilities according to individual’ s    talents    and competing priorities. She motivates others by keeping a positive atmosphere in the office, and her door is always open and will greet everyone in the morning."


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College of Education and Human Sciences
Child, Youth and Family Studies