Doll, B. (in press). Integrating assessment into school environments to promote students’ psychological well-being. In K. A. Allen, M. J. Furlong, D. A. Vella-Brodrick, & S. M. Suldo (Eds.). The Handbook of Positive Psychology in Schools (3rd ed.). Taylor and Francis.

Doll, B. (2021). Data-based assessment of psychological well-being in whole school environments. In K. A. Allen, A. Reupert, & L. Oades (Eds.), Building better schools with evidence-based policy: Adaptable policy for teachers and school leaders (pp.287-292). New York: Routledge.

Doll, B., Dart, E. H., Arora, P. G., & Collins, T. A. (2021). Framing school mental health services within a dual factor model of mental health. In P. J. Lazarus, S. Suldo, and B. Doll (eds.), Fostering the emotional wellbeing of our nation’s youth: A school based approach, (pp. 40-60). Oxford University Press.

Doll, B., White, Cl, Rangel-Pacheco, A., Pierson, E., & Denniston, J. (accepted). Can a brief ClassMaps Survey assess school learning environments. A poster accepted for presentation at the 2022 annual convention of the National Association of School Psychologists.

Lazarus, P. J., Doll, B., Song, S. Y., & Radliff, K. (2021). Transforming school mental health services based on a culturally responsible dual-factor model. School Psychology Review.

Lazarus, P. J., Suldo, S., & Doll, B. (Eds.) (2021). Fostering the emotional wellbeing of children.  Oxford University Press.

Trantham, P. S., Sikorski, J., de Ayala, R. J., & Doll, B. (2021). An item response theory and Rasch analysis of the NUDKS: A data literacy scale. In review at Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability.

Doll, B., Vazquez, E., DiPerna, J., & Clark, E. (2020). How the history of American Psychological Association Division 16 can shape the future of school psychology: Demonstrating organizational transformation. School Psychology, 35(6), 385-397.

Arora, P. G., Collins, T. A., Dart, E. H., Hernandez, S., Fetterman, H., & Doll, B.  (2019). Multi-tiered systems of support for school based mental health: A systematic review of depression interventions.  School Mental Health, 11 (2), 240-264.  DOI 10.1007/s12310-019-09314-4

Dart, E. H., Arora, P. G., Collins, T. A, & Doll, B. (2019). Progress monitoring measures for internalizing symptoms: A systematic review of the peer-reviewed literature. School Mental Health. 11(2), pp. 265-275.

Doll, B. (2019). Addressing student internalizing behavior through Multi-Tiered Systems of Support: A commentary.  School Mental Health, 11(2), 290-293.  DOI 10.1007/s12310-019-09315-3