**NOTICE: Dr. Doll will not be accepting new students for the 2024-2025 academic year**

Purpose Statement

The purpose of the Youth Wellness and Resilience Lab is to improve the mental health and resilience of children within their classroom environments.

What we do

Our team’s focus on improving the mental health and well-being of children within school systems. More specifically, we are interested in creating resilient classroom environments for students by assessing their perceptions of themselves and their fellow classmates and teacher. There are six areas that we assess students perceptions in which help to identify classrooms that display characteristics of resiliency: 1) students’ belief in themselves (academic efficacy), 2) students’ desire to work towards goals they have set for themselves (academic self-determination), 3) students ability to behave in a way that is appropriate and adaptive (behavioral self-control), 4) caring relationships between teachers and students (teacher-student relationships), 5) the extent to which students feel they have fulfilling friendships in their classroom (teacher-student relationships), and 6) relationships between students’ families and the classroom environment (home-school relationships). In addition to helping to identify resilient classrooms, we help teachers and other specialists and administrators to collaborate with their students and change their classrooms to be environments that are more resilient and contribute to student success. Teachers work very collaboratively with students in this process, sharing areas of concern and brainstorming ways to improve together in a way that would be beneficial for both the student and the teacher.