Community Nutrition and Health Promotion

  • Comprehensive Exam: Students have two options when completing the comprehensive exam.
    1. The student will write a grant (should be a major grant not a minor one) which is NOT student's dissertation topic; however, the grant can be related to the student's dissertation area.
      1. The student dissertation committee will review the grant, and an oral examination meeting will be conducted to assess the grant with questions/answers.
      2. The committee can also ask the student any questions they believe that would be necessary to exam student's knowledge and skills that are required to be doctoral candidate.
    2. Each of the dissertation committee members (including the committee chair and co-chair) will provide one or two thoughtful question(s) which they believe will test the doctoral student's knowledge and skills that are necessary to be a doctoral candidate and pursue and complete the doctoral study.
      1. When the student completes the comp/qualification exam, the committee will grade the exam (usually individual committee members will only grade their own question[s]).
      2. The committee will schedule a follow-up meeting (oral exam) to discuss about the student's comp exam. The committee can also ask the student any questions they believe that would be necessary to exam student's knowledge and skills that are required to be a doctoral candidate.