Rights and Responsibilities of Students

The Department of Educational Administration adheres to all UNL policies regarding the rights and responsibilities of graduate students.  These include the following statements from the UNL Graduate Studies Bulletin:

  • Nondiscrimination Policy
  • Student Privacy Policy
  • Sexual Harassment Policy
  • Academic Credit Policies
  • Probation and Termination
  • General Appeal Procedures for Academic Matters Concerning Graduate Students
  • Services for Students with Disabilities
  • Student Rights and Responsibilities
  • Policy Statement on Rights, Privileges, and Responsibilities of Graduate Assistants and Fellowship Recipients
  • Guidelines for Good Practice in Graduate Education
Student Honor Code

(Ratified by the ASUN Senate on April 2, 1997)

The University of Nebraska is a unified community, and we are proud of our heritage.  As we look with optimism towards the future, we strive to adhere to the following code:

  • I will be respectful towards all others, their thoughts and aspirations, and will look upon them with equality and fairness.
  • I will be compassionate, always mindful of those less fortunate than I.
  • I will be honest with whom I interact, practicing integrity in my daily decisions.
  • I will be mindful of the investments others have made in the University, realizing my own responsibilities in life.
  • And I will always be dignified in who I am, striving for excellence in all I do.
Academic Dishonesty

The maintenance of academic honesty and integrity is a vital concern of the University community.  Any student found guilty of academic dishonesty shall be subject to both academic and disciplinary sanctions.  Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  1. Cheating: Copying or attempting to copy from an academic test or examination of another student; using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information, notes, study aids or other devices for an academic test, examination or exercise; engaging or attempting to engage the assistance of another individual in misrepresenting the academic performance of a student; or communicating information in an unauthorized manner to another person for an academic test, examination or exercise.
  2. Fabrication or Falsification: Falsifying or fabricating any information or citation in any academic exercise, work, speech, test, or examination.  Falsification is the alteration of information, while fabrication is the invention or counterfeiting of information.
  3. Plagiarism: Presenting the work of another as one's own (i.e., without proper acknowledgment of the source) and submitting examinations, theses, reports, speeches, drawings, laboratory notes or other academic work in whole or in part as one's own when such work has been prepared by another person or copied from another person.  If you have any doubt as to whether you should cite a source, then cite the source.  Simply changing of one or more words so that you do not have exact quote of the other person’s work is still plagiarism.
  4. Abuse of Academic Materials: Destroying, defacing, stealing, or making inaccessible library or other academic resource material.
  5. Complicity in Academic Dishonesty: Helping or attempting to help another student to commit an act of academic dishonesty.
  6. Falsifying Grade Reports: Changing or destroying grades, scores, or markings on an examination or in an instructor's records.
  7. Misrepresentation to Avoid Academic Work: Misrepresentation by fabricating an otherwise justifiable excuse such as illness, injury, accident, etc., in order to avoid or delay timely submission of academic work or to avoid or delay the taking of a test or examination.
  8. Other: Academic units and members of the faculty may prescribe and give students prior notice of additional standards of conduct for academic honesty in a particular course, and violation of any such standard of conduct shall constitute misconduct under this Code of Conduct and the University Disciplinary Procedures.