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Charla Brant
Elementary Principal Certification, 2018
Principal, Alcott Elementary School, Hastings, Nebraska
Relationships, leadership, and experience are just the beginning of the many benefits of the UNL Educational Administration program. The face-to-face classes provide opportunities to build lasting relationships with colleagues as well as relevant-research opportunities to increase school improvement efforts. The professors are experienced instructional leaders willing to provide support during classroom instruction as well as in the field. As a graduate of UNL, the connections I made through classes and the practicum experience have made all the difference as I navigate through my first year as principal striving to develop effective instructional leadership practices.

Matt Gotschall
Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Administration - Curriculum & Instruction, 2003
President, Central Community College
There is no doubt I would have greatly delayed the obtaining of my Ph.D. were it not for the online option in Educational Administration that led to the completion of my third degree from UNL. The program allowed me to study evenings, weekends and summers while I worked full-time out of state, and my wife and I raised our five daughters. The program was so applicable that I find myself using examples learned in classes on a regular basis. Additionally, the human connections made through the program provided me with a smooth transition back to Nebraska to continue my higher education administrative career at Central Community College.

Jackie Ostrowicki
Master of Arts in Educational Administration - Higher Education, 2022
Assistant Vice President for External Relations, University of Nebraska System
As a full-time administrator in higher education, I was well-versed in the practical foundations of the job—but my M.A. and Ed.D. coursework provided me with a scholarly foundation that has helped guide my professional and personal practice. The Educational Administration faculty members treated me as a fellow scholar and encouraged me to take time to be reflective, consider my positionality, and approach my job in a thoughtful, evidence-based way. I am grateful for their guidance and for the relationships I have gained through the program with peers and colleagues who are on a similar journey of self-discovery.

Ashley Swift
Master of Arts in Educational Administration - Student Affairs Administration, 2020
Assistant Director for Fraternity and Sorority Life at Mississippi State University
"It was a huge learning experience both in and out of the classroom. Each day I was figuring myself out as a professional due to course work, classroom conversations, and my assistantship. Honestly, I would like to give a huge kudos to the EDAD faculty and staff for all that they did for my cohort and myself. They had so many plans as far as bringing in people who have gone through the job search process as well as talking about life after graduation. Then COVID happened. The professors did everything that they could to provide resources for us while also making adjustments of their own. They truly have our best interests at heart."

Patrick Hunter-Pirtle
Doctor of Education in Educational Administration (UNL-UNO), 1998
Director of Secondary Education, Lincoln Public School
This is my fortieth year in education. I have three degrees from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. I taught for thirteen years. I was an associate principal in a middle school in Junction City, KS. for two years and for eight years at Lincoln Southeast High School. I was the principal at Lincoln Southeast High School for eleven years, and this is my seventh year as the Director of Secondary Education in the Lincoln Public Schools. I was well-prepared by UN-L for every phase of my career path, and I have very fond memories of professors who nurtured, cared, challenged, and pushed me along the way. Dr. Marilyn Grady told me when I started on my doctorate that she wanted me finished writing my dissertation when I completed my last class, and because of her, that is exactly what happened. I will always be a proud Husker alum, Go Big Red!

Chris Stone
Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Studies - Educational Leadership and Higher Education, 2018
Lieutenant Commander, Africa Exercise Planner, U.S. Naval Forces Europe/Africa, U.S. Sixth Fleet
My progression and tenure throughout my time in the University of Nebraska-Lincoln doctoral program in the Department of Education Administration was both typical and atypical of my peers in the program. Every student within the program applies themselves and works though the challenges of family, careers, and life. Every student while on their own path proceeds in the same general direction with the ultimate destination of degree completion, thanks to the guidance, support, and mentorship of their dedicated advisors and the faculty and staff of the College of Education and Human Sciences.
While my path proceeded in the same general direction it took me through two moves across the country and one move to Europe, two ship tours and two deployments totaling more than year at sea, missed birthdays, deaths, anniversaries, and holidays, travels to 23 countries on four continents, a marriage and the birth of a baby girl, and yet my destination was the same thanks to the dedicated support of my advisor Dr. Marilyn Grady, the faculty and staff of the College of Education and Human Sciences, and the love and support of my family.

Patricia Gentile
Doctor of Education in Educational Studies - Educational Leadership and Higher Education, 2009
President Emerita, North Shore Community College, Massachusetts
I enjoyed the doctoral program at UNL in Educational Leadership and Higher Education because it had the academic rigor I was looking for, a welcoming and helpful team of faculty and staff, and an online experience that allowed me to continue working full-time. My dissertation preparation and committee members were superb and I’ve utilized what I learned in my resulting leadership positions in the community college sector. My Ed.D. has not only given me entree into a presidential position, it prepared me for the challenges I face on a daily basis. Thank you, Dr. Miles Bryant, Dr. Brent Cejda, Dr. Marilyn Grady and all the wonderful folks at UNL for believing in me.

Matt Fowler
Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Studies - Educational Leadership and Higher Education, 2012
President, Wabash Valley College
"The breadth of knowledge and experiences the EDAD program provided gave me great insight into the larger world of higher education. The curriculum was well suited for the climate of today’s higher education institution with a combination of courses that provided balance in working with fiscal, organizational and policy planning and implementation. This allowed me to take courses in areas where my advisor and I saw gaps in my skill set. To this day, I find myself reflecting on “lessons learned” during my time at UNL."

Joél Orozco
Master of Arts in Educational Administration - Student Affairs Administration, 2015
Associate Director, César Chávez Cultural Center at the University of Northern Colorado
In comparison to other narratives from folks in other graduate programs, I feel the EDAD department was organized and all the way from interview days, funding for professional development conferences, mandatory case study competitions, were valuable experiences as the skills learned from those experiences have come handy in job interviews and day-to-day work decision making process. I truly appreciated the flexibility and willingness from EDAD’s Chair for me to be able to shape my experience in the program when it came to course work. For example, ability to take a course from a different department and still have it count towards my graduation for credits. Also, I was able to secure a teaching position at the local community college and was able to work with my advisor and department chair to count that experience as a practicum for credit towards my credits needed for graduation.

Terrence S. McTier, Jr.
Master of Arts in Educational Administration - Student Affairs Administration, 2015
Interim Dean of Students at Southern Illinois University- Edwardsville
When I started the program as a Black male from Georgia, I was unsure of what to expect from a place like Lincoln, Nebraska. However, I can honestly say attending UNL and participating in the Student Affairs program has been extremely rewarding. In fact, I have to give credit to Dr. Stephanie Bondi who birthed the research idea into me as well as introducing me to the world of social justice, Dr. Corey Rumann who gave me my first research opportunity, and Dr. Elizabeth (Beth) Niehaus who mentally and physically prepared me for my doctoral journey today. As I finish up my doctorate, I realize the Student Affairs/Educational Administration program equipped me with the tools I needed to pursue faculty life post-graduate school.

Mya' Lesley-Drakeford
Master of Arts in Educational Administration - Student Affairs Administration, 2020
Diversity Program Manager for Columbian College of Arts & Sciences at The George Washington University
"Coming from a smaller size undergraduate institution, I was a little overwhelmed with the size of UNL and how things worked differently from what I was used to. I like that my professors especially Dr. Rumann and Dr. Bondi helped with my adjustment to UNL by always being available to discuss concerns that I had or just being that listening ear. Also, I love how open EDAD is to new ideas to use for future programs and encouraging graduate students to step outside of their comfort zone.
With COVID-19 coming at the most unexpected time, it was a huge adjustment for myself, my classmates, and professors. No one actually knows what the right answer to deal with the job search during these times. One thing I can say is that my professors are very encouraging and try to help in the best way they know how. From having virtual panel discussions with professionals at different institutions to posting different webinars that we can join. Another thing is the classes that we take in the program allows us to use what we learn in interviews, presentations, classrooms, etc. We learn a lot from each other and grow from other people's experiences.
I liked the small size cohort. I liked to be able to get to know my professors and classmates beyond the classroom. It also allows you to have those deep conversations that are sometimes harder to have in larger groups."

Kristen Duvall
Master of Arts in Educational Administration - Student Affairs Administration, 2020
Hall Director at Christopher Newport University
"I had a great experience with EDAD. Dr. Bondi and Dr. Rumann were professors that not only cared about my academic growth but my personal and professional growth as well. I really valued the cohort experience within this program. Having peers to lean on during stressful times, have civil discourse, and learn from was impactful.
Having the internship and graduate assistantship experience greatly prepared me for after graduation. I was able to learn about different functional areas within student affairs and practice what I was learning in the classroom every day. Dr. Rumann also brought together different panels to discuss the job search and alumni in various functional areas to answer questions about what to expect.
What I appreciated the most was the emphasis on social justice throughout all of the coursework. As someone who is very passionate about this, I believe this program deeply widened my understanding of diversity, equity, and inclusion."

Matthew L. Blomstedt
Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Studies - Educational Leadership and Higher Education, 2013
Commissioner, Nebraska Department of Education
I, like many EDAD students, worked in a full-time capacity during my Ph.D. program. Admittedly, I took a path to completion that saw me bounce between interests and various positions. I lingered in “all but dissertation” for a while due to my family and career path. But, along the way, I got to know other students who are now key leaders across the state. I was able to hone ideas, educational philosophies, and practical knowledge with a set of faculty who were always interested in my journey. This was possible due to faculty who were confident enough to let me grow and cared enough to motivate me to complete. In my case, that was extra helpful and formative.