Jiangang Xia
Associate Professor & ED. D. Coordinator
Department of Educational Administration University of Nebraska-Lincoln
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Dr. Jiangang Xia teaches graduate-level courses in the areas of leadership theory, quantitative research methods, data-informed school improvement, and dissertation research. His research interests focus on PK-12 school leadership/organization theories in general and school decision-making power relationships, leadership distribution, and leadership processes in particular. His major research approach is quantitative in which he applies advanced statistical modeling methods (multilevel model, structural equation model, and multilevel structural equation model) to large scale inter/national survey data (SASS/NTPS, PISA, TALIS).
Through collaboration, Dr. Xia has published articles in International Journal of Leadership in Education; Leadership and Policy in Schools; Journal of Educational Research; Education and Urban Society; Chinese Education and Society; Educational Management Administration and Leadership; and International Journal of Educational Research. He recently had a manuscript accepted by Educational Administration Quarterly. After work, his interests include playing with his children, coaching soccer, skating, gardening, watching the movies, and travel.
Ph.D., Educational Leadership, Western Michigan University, 2014
M.A., Education, East China Normal University, 2007
B.S., Mathematics, East China Normal University, 1997
Areas of Expertise
- Leadership Theory
- Policy Analysis
- Program Evaluation
- Quantitative Methods
- Large Scale Data Analysis
Teaching and Advising
Dr. Xia teaches doctoral students in the Educational Leadership and Higher Educaiton specialization, the Ed.D. degree specializations, as well as M. Ed. students.
Select Publications
- Gao, X., Xia, J., & Shen, J. (accepted). A comparison between US and Chinese principal decision-making power: An international perspective based on PISA 2015. Chinese Education & Society.
- Shen, J., Gao, X., & Xia, J. (2017). School as a loosely coupled organization? An empirical examination using national SASS 2003-04 data. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 45(4), 657-681.
- Xia, J., Gao, X., & Shen, J. (2015). U.S. “National Teacher and Principal Survey” as a valuable resource for teacher and principal studies. Contemporary Educational Research, 23(4), 63–91.
- Xia, J., Izumi, M., & Gao, X. (2015). School process and teacher job satisfaction at public alternative schools: A multi-level study using SASS 2007–08 data. Leadership and Policy in Schools, 14, 167–203.
- Horvitz, B. S., Beach, A. L., Anderson, M. L., & Xia, J. (2015). Examination of faculty self-efficacy related to online teaching. Innovative Higher Education, 40, 305–316.
- Izumi, M., Shen, J., & Xia, J. (2015). Determinants of the graduation rate of public alternative schools. Education and Urban Society, 47, 307–327.
- Shen, J., Bierlein-Palmer, L., Washington, A. L., & Xia, J. (2014). Effects of traditional and non-traditional forms of parental involvement on school-level achievement outcome: An HLM study using SASS 2007–08. The Journal of Educational Research, 107, 326–337.
- Shen, J., & Xia, J. (2012). The relationship between teachers' and principals' decision-making power: Is it a win–win situation or zero-sum game? International Journal of Leadership in Education, 15,153–174.
- Xia, J., Gao, X., & Shen, J. (2015). Demographic and professional characteristics of urban school principals in the US: A 20-year trend study. In M. Khalifa, C. Grant, & N. W. Arnold (Eds.), The handbook of urban educational leadership, (pp. 28–42). Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.
- Xia, J., Gao, X., & Shen, J. (2015). Principals’ and teachers’ decision making power in small, medium, and large school districts. In K. L. Sanzo, I. Sutherland, & J. Scribner (Eds.), Leading small and mid-sized urban school districts (pp. 65–83). Bingley, UK: Emerald.
- Gao, X., Xia, J., Shen, J., & Ma, X. (2013). Participation in and reflection on Palm Beach County’s Quality Improvement System: Perspectives from practitioners. In J. Shen & X. Ma (Eds.), Quality rating and improvement system for early care and education: Development, implementation, evaluation and learning (pp. 103–119). New York, NY: Peter Lang.
- Xia, J., Shen, J., & Cooley, V. E. (2013). Coherent curriculum. In J. Shen & V. E. Cooley (Eds.), A resource book for improving principals' learning-centered leadership (pp. 123–142). New York, NY: Peter Lang.
Current Research and Projects
Dr Jiangang Xia's current research focuses on PK-12 school leadership/organization theories in general and school decision-making power relationships, leadership distribution, and leadership processes in particular. His major research approach is quantitative in which he applies advanced statistical modeling methods (multilevel model, structural equation model, and multilevel structural equation model) to large scale inter/national survey data (SASS/NTPS, PISA, TALIS).
Courses Taught
- EDAD 830: Administrative Theory in Educational Organizations
- EDAD 902: Data for Decision Making
- EDAD 988 Dissertation Proposal Development
- EDAD 995: Using Secondary Data for Dissertation Research
- EDAD 982: Advanced Quantitative Research Methods
- EDAD 981 Intermediate Quantitative Research Methods
Honors and Recognition
- 2018, University Council of Educational Administration INSPIRE Fellow
- 2020-Present, Associate Professor, Educational Administration, University of Nebraska–Lincoln
- 2014-2020, Assistant Professor, Educational Administration, University of Nebraska–Lincoln
- 2013-2014, Evaluation Specialist, Department of Evaluation and Accountability, Dallas ISD
- 2007-2013, Doctoral Research Associate, Western Michigan University
- 1997-2004, High School Math Teacher, Guangzhou, China
- American Educational Research Association (AERA)
- University Council for Educational Administration (UCEA)