Superintendent Endorsement



New applicants to our P-12 School Leadership programs should look into our Big Red Leader tuition remission program as they might be eligible for a 15% tuition discount.

Set a Course for District-Level Leadership

Are you a practicing, building-level school leader seeking to expand your influence and deepen your impact at the district level? Are you drawn to address complex challenges and opportunities of district-level school leadership?

Nebraska offers a streamlined, straightforward path for those seeking only the superintendent endorsement. These courses feature the same rigorous, accessible learning experiences through distance education technology, face-to-face relationships, award-winning faculty, and hands-on learning experiences, but without the research requirements associated with pursuit of the doctor of education (EdD) degree.

Students completing the program leave prepared to lead district-level learning communities of all shapes and sizes, ready to optimize resources, support high quality teaching and learning and every student. Program courses lead to a Nebraska Certificate of Specialization in Educational Administration with the endorsement of superintendency.

The Nebraska Difference

That is why we have built a program focused on standards, supported by research, and founded on relationships. Our program is aligned with the Professional Standards for Educational Leaders (PSEL) as well as the Nebraska Teacher and Principal Performance Standards (NTPPS). But we didn’t stop there. Our faculty have used research and practical experience to identify three core competencies we seek to develop in future school leaders. We call it The Nebraska Difference.

Faculty Advisors

Learning the research interests and expertise areas of potential faculty advisors, particularly at the doctoral level, is an important consideration for prospective students. We encourage prospective applicants to learn about faculty advisors via the links below and through the “Meet our Team” link on the “About EDAD” tab.” Based on capacity, the following faculty members serve as advisors in this program:

2-3 years

Program Length



*Total hours are determined after a transcript review, see below



Not Required

GRE/Entrance Exam

Application Process


Light Bulb Icon

Visionary Thinkers understand there is more to school leadership than crossing off tasks on a checklist. We understand theory and research in education and articulate the reasons behind the actions they take and decisions they make.

Magnifying Glass Icon

Reflective Learners know that if schools are to be focused on learning, it starts with leadership. Reflective Learners apply research and theory and model continuous growth, learning, and improvement in themselves and others.

Handshake Icon

Servant Leaders know that, above all else, leadership is empowering and supporting others for success. Servant Leaders empower, support, and help sustain the success of others with an eye toward the future.

Our Unique Program

Award-Winning Faculty

  • Students learn from faculty who conduct and share leading research on authentic school leadership challenges. These scholars are devoted their careers to teaching, researching, discovering, and sharing what works in school leadership.
  • Students also learn from faculty with decades of real world experience as school leaders. These leaders have walked the walk of school leadership as principals, superintendents, and more.

Accessible Courses

  • Students form meaningful relationships with classmates, faculty, and others through a unique combination of face-to-face and online courses.

Extra Opportunities

Individual Attention

  • Students complete an authentic internship experience in their districts with support from a field-based mentor and faculty member. Students learn from leading Nebraska superintendents in two dynamic, hands-on summer seminars, held at the Nebraska Council of School Administrators offices in Lincoln

Critical Friends

  • Students learn from expert school leaders with well-established expertise on particular topics.

Program Courses

  • With an already completed master’s degree in educational administration most students in the superintendent endorsement program

Launching Your Journey

Program Curriculum

The program typically appeals to principals seeking to serve in district-level P-12 administration and students in the P-12 school leadership EdD program. Sixty-six total credit hours are required for the certification. The Superintendent Endorsement program is typically 27 minimum to 33 maximum credit hours of coursework. It depends on the MA program the student completed and their course of study will be determined following a transcript review. Principals who hold a master’s degree are often able to transfer a number of hours to complete the certificate.

The most common course of study is designed to meet the requirements for a Nebraska Professional Administrative and Supervisory Certificate, with the certificate endorsement of superintendency. To satisfy requirements for any other administrative endorsements that the student may want to obtain, such as secondary principal, middle-level principal, or elementary principal, additional courses may be required.

Required courses for the Superintendent Endorsement, which are offered in online, face-to-face, and hybrid formats, are listed. The courses (or their equivalencies) that are typically included in a student’s Master’s degree are also listed and can often be transferred into the superintendent endorsement program.

**Your program may vary according to previous courses completed, age, etc. Our team can work with you to determine your individual path to the superintendent endorsement. Please talk to an advisor to determine what your course of study will be.

Nebraska Superintendent Endorsement (not Certification) Program
MEd Credit Hours (typical)36
Nebraska Superintendent Endorsement Program27-33
TOTAL Credit Hours for Superintendent Endorsement63-69


Superintendent Endorsement Courses

Course Sequence

Face to Face Course
  • EDAD 987A Superintendent Academy I (3 hours, requires 1 week on-campus w/additional online content) A forum for dialogue and an exchange of ideas and experiences while creating a network of support for colleagues. Exploration and developing the skills, knowledge, understandings and unique features required of the superintendent's roles and responsibilities. Multiple perspectives on effective leadership and participants will be challenged to look at educational issues in new ways. Participants will be encouraged to bring contemporary educational issues to the sessions for intensive, confidential review and discussion. Interaction with session leaders and participants will be facilitated in an effort to examine the rapidly changing realities of public education and the impact these changes are having on the roles/responsibilities of the public school superintendent.
    • Credit Hours: 3
  • EDAD 987B Superintendent Academy II (3 hours, requires 1 week on-campus w/additional online content) Designed to provide future school superintendents a link between theory and practice through case studies and voice-of-experience discussions. This academy is a forum for processing the "on-the-job" experiences with participants who are pursing doctoral studies, those who are about to enter the role of the superintendent, or those who are new to the work of school leadership. Provides training situations for developing leadership skills, examination of the practical challenges that school leaders face. Examination of contemporary educational issues through different organizational frameworks and review of various issues related to the management of change.
    • Credit Hours: 3
  • EDAD 987C Superintendent Internship (school year, field-based) Designed to provide future school superintendents a link between theory and practice through case studies and voice-of-experience discussions. This academy is a forum for processing the "on-the-job" experiences with participants who are pursing doctoral studies, those who are about to enter the role of the superintendent, or those who are new to the work of school leadership. Provides training situations for developing leadership skills, examination of the practical challenges that school leaders face. Examination of contemporary educational issues through different organizational frameworks and review of various issues related to the management of change.
Online Courses
  • EDAD 835 Business Management of Schools Allocation and management of fiscal resources including aspects of financial planning and reporting, budgeting and accounting procedures, purchasing, risk management and insurance, investing and bond issues, and auxiliary service.
    • Credit Hours: 3
  • EDAD 901 System-Level School Improvement Knowledge and skills required for system-level leaders to bring about school improvement and enhance student achievement. Creating systems that engage the public, performing in complex political environments, and delivering needed services to schools and classrooms.
    • Credit Hours: 3
  • EDAD 905 Issues in Governance of Educational Institutions Issues in the governance of K-12 schools including administrator-school board roles and relationships.
    • Credit Hours: 3
  • EDAD 906 Issues in System Level Administration Selected system level issues faced by pre-K to grade 12 school administrators.
    • Credit Hours: 3
  • EDAD 986 Leadership in Educational Organizations The examination of leaders and leadership in educational organizations. Through assigned readings and written assignments, students will make applications of the readings to: a) the organization of educational institutions and programs, b) the leadership that occurs in educational organizations and programs, c) the leadership skills and actions that are necessary to achieve the mission, goals, and objectives of educational organizations, d) the student's individual leadership growth and development.
    • Credit Hours: 3
  • Elective #1
    • Credit Hours: 3
  • Elective #2
    • Credit Hours: 3


Courses Typically Completed in the Master’s Program

Courses Typically Completed in the Master’s Program

  • EDAD 800 Foundations of Educational Research A written report is required. Investigation and analysis of current problems in education administration and supervision.
    • Credit Hours: 3
  • EDAD 801 Cross-Cultural Leadership Studies For those interested in exploring leadership and leadership issues from a cross-cultural perspective. Students construct their understanding of different cultural perspectives on leadership through readings, interviews, and field trips. Provides students with a valuable perspective on their own and other cultural perspectives through the comparison of cultural viewpoints. Native American understanding of leadership.
    • Credit Hours: 3
  • EDAD 811 Principal Internship Rating and supervision of teachers; principles and procedures in the development of school policies; selection and promotion of teachers; courses of study and professional ethics.
    • Credit Hours: 3-4
  • EDAD 830 Administrative Theory Introduction to classic and contemporary administrative theory as applied to educational organizations. The theoretical nature of the course content is relevant to those with an interest in a broad variety of educational institutions. General organizational theory, organizational models, historical schools of administrative theory, authority, power, motivation, and leadership. Frequently students are involved in studying problems of practice as a means of testing theory.
    • Credit Hours: 3
  • EDAD 833 Education Finance Critical analysis of the political and economic elements impacting K-12 school finance. Content and activities address both building and district level concerns with an emphasis on principles, programs, and trends in school finance.
    • Credit Hours: 3
  • EDAD 835 Business Management of Schools Allocation and management of fiscal resources including aspects of financial planning and reporting, budgeting and accounting procedures, purchasing, risk management and insurance, investing and bond issues, and auxiliary service.
    • Credit Hours: 3
  • EDAD 837 Education Law Evolution, principles, and practice of education law in relation to local, state, and national units of organization. Education law of Nebraska.
    • Credit Hours: 1-4
  • EDAD 851 Faculty and Staff Appraisal Faculty and support staff in P-12 schools: appraisal, professional learning communities, high standards/high performance and accountability.
    • Credit Hours: 3
  • EDAD 852 School Culture & Student Behavior School culture and student behavior in P-12 schools. Personalized teaching and learning environments that address student diversity, needs and interests.
    • Credit Hours: 3
  • EDAD 903 Issues in Community Relations School culture and student behavior in P-12 schools. Personalized teaching and learning environments that address student diversity, needs and interests.
    • Credit Hours: 3
  • SPED 856 Supervising Special Education For principals or other administrators who have special education programs in their buildings. Overview of disabilities, related law, special education programs, personnel issues, etc., and instructional methods and administrative support for effective integration of disabled students into regular programs.
    • Credit Hours: 3
  • TEAC 801 Curriculum Inquiry The relationship between curriculum theory and/or research to educational practices.
    • Credit Hours: 3
  • TEAC 948 Instructional Leadership Changing roles for persons engaged in instructional and curricular leadership in educational institutions. Literature on staff development, assessment and evaluation, and effective schools serve as the basis for studying and applying this information to a variety of educational settings. Issues such as teacher empowerment and site-based management, along with cooperative learning provide the focus of the activities.
    • Credit Hours: 3
Additional Nebraska Department of Education Endorsement Requirement

The Nebraska Department of Education will require passing the PRAXIS School Leadership 6021 School Superintendent Assessment.

Application Process

The application deadline for fall and spring admission is April 1 (for summer), July 1 (for fall), and Nov. 1 (for spring).
Graduate Admission Requirements
  • Application for Admission with $50 non-refundable application fee.
  • One set of transcripts.
  • If the student’s native language is not English, verification of English proficiency is required.
  • If International: upload copies of all college- or university-level transcripts or mark sheets (records of courses and marks earned), with certificates, diplomas, and degrees plus certified English translations.
    • **Official documents are required from all students who are admitted and enroll. Photocopies of certified records are not acceptable. International students enrolled in other U.S. institutions may have certified copies of all foreign records sent directly to the Office of Graduate Studies by their current school’s registrar office.
  • If applicant is not a US citizen and expects an F or J visa: financial information.
  • Applicants must also fulfill any additional requirements the department specifies at the time of application.
Major Admission Requirements
  • Personal Statement:
    • Nebraska's EDAD P-12 leadership program is built around the educational leader as a Visionary Thinker, Reflective Learner, and Servant Leader. Describe how you have exemplified these actions in your current or previous leadership roles.
    • Explain your professional experiences and motivations for doctoral studies, specifically Nebraska's EdD program, which is focused on the educational leader as a Visionary Thinker, Reflective Learner, and Servant Leader.
    • Describe a local problem, challenge, or opportunity that is unique to your context that might be addressed as part of your Program of Studies and dissertation. Share how Nebraska's EdD program would help you address this local challenge, problem, or opportunity.
  • Writing Sample: Provide three writing samples that demonstrate your scholarly writing ability, for example, a term paper, thesis, or published article.
  • Resume
  • Two recommendation letters

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