Support EDAD

Support the Department of Educational Administration


Students enrolled in Department of Educational Administration programs arrive with big dreams. Supporting those aspirations takes a committed, innovative, and award-winning faculty and staff, a robust curricula, strong relationships in a supportive learning community, and more. To be clear, excellence in leadership, education, and equity is no accident.

We’re deeply grateful for the generous assistance our students and programs receive from friends, alums, and supporters of our academic programs. From providing students with fellowships and scholarships to defray tuition costs, to providing funds for travel, professional learning experiences, special opportunities, and support for unexpected challenges and emergencies, our EDAD donors make a powerful difference in the lives of our Husker Scholars.

To learn how you can help Lead Big Red and contribute directly to EDAD student success, explore the links to our various funds below, or reach out to a member of our team.

$ 50,000+
$ 1,200

"My family and I were beyond excited when we found out the great news! The Dale and Thomas Hayes fellowship allows me the peace of mind to concentrate on my education and bring me one step closer to achieving my goal as an administrator. To have someone invest in you, is a blessing and a gift that I will use to fuel my passion for becoming a better instructional leader!"

Daniel King, Elementary Principal Certification Program

Daniel King, Elementary Principal Certification Program
McKenna Machal, Educational Administration - P-12 Leadership

"I feel so grateful to have received this fellowship as I have not only been navigating the waters of graduate school and a full-time job but also the new waters of being a mother! This fellowship helps so that I can focus more energy on learning and less on the financial aspects of grad school."

McKenna Machal, Educational Administration - P-12 Leadership

Walter K. Beggs Memorial Fund

One or more scholarships or fellowships given to regularly enrolled EDAD undergraduate or graduate students.

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Educational Administration Elevation Fund

A gift to the Educational Administration Elevation Fund provides support for student fellowships, scholarships, travel, professional learning opportunities, special events, and unforeseen challenges and obstacles.

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Hueftle Family Fund

This fund is awarded to regularly enrolled students, 3.0 or above GPA, and are pursuing any graduate degree in EDAD.

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"Legacy of Leaders" Fellowship Fund

This fund provides fellowships to graduate students enrolled in EDAD programs.

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Bob & Nancy Brandt Family Subfund

One of more fellowships given to full or part-time EDAD graduate students, including summer sessions. Preference to current educators in the School Leadership program.

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Kristine Hirsh Wolzen, Ph.D. Fellowship Subfund

One or more fellowships given to full or part-time EDAD graduate students. Prefence to candidates who have demonstrated a commitment to innovation in education.

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Ward & Suzie Sybouts Fund

This fund supports the annual Sybouts Student Research Seminar and also provides general program support to the Department.

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Dale and Thomas Hayes Fellowship Fund

Fellowships given to full or part-time graduate students in EDAD and have a desire to pursue a career in EDAD following graduation, preferably principals or public K-12 administrators.

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Mary B. Johnson Graduate Student Support Fund

This fund supports EDAD student registration fees, travel, and related expenses for attending professional conferences, with preference for conferences sponsored by the Chautauqua Institute and Women in Educational Leadership Conference.

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John A. Lammel "Leaders of Tomorrow" Fellowship Fund

One or more fellowships given to regularly enrolled EDAD graduate students, preference to those employed by Millard Public Schools in Omaha, NE.

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Wesley A. Paap Fund

One or more fellowships given to full or part-time EDAD graduate students.

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Griesen Student Affairs Fund

Established in 1986, this award acknowledges extraordinary and sustained performance by individuals serving Nebraska students.

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To learn more about how you can support Educational Administration students, please contact: