Adolescent Alcohol Use in China
This project is a joint research initiative began in 1995 to explore alcohol use by Chinese adolescents. This is an ongoing endeavor and focuses on the development of instruments to assess alcohol expectancies, self-efficacy, and cultural orientation among Chinese adolescents. We are developing ways to understand the social meaning of alcohol-related facial flushing.
China: Objectives & Activities | Publications & Papers
High Risk Drinking in USA Colleges
Beginning in 1992 the Prevention Center began studying the individual and environmental factors that contribute to student high-risk alcohol use on the University of Nebraska-Lincoln campus. UNL initiated a comprehensive high-risk drinking prevention project (NU Directions). The Prevention Center continues to track the success of this initiative. In 2005 the Prevention Center organized the Nebraska Collegiate Consortium to Reduce High Risk Drinking. The Prevention Center continues to provide support and assistance for high-risk drinking prevention at college and university campuses across the state of Nebraska.
USA: Publications, Papers and Curricula
Traditional Alcohol Production and Use
This project explores traditional alcohol production, sales, and use in countries in the western pacific region in order to provide basic descriptive information about health benefits and risks from informal alcohol manufacture for national and international public health organizations and policy makers.
Adolescent Alcohol Use in Thailand
This project is a joint research projects between NPCADA and Thai scholars include an effort to understand alcohol expectancies among Thai adolescents.
Thailand: Objectives & Activities | Publications & Papers
Adolescent Alcohol Use in Zambia
This project involved initial discussions with young people about alcohol availability, use, and expectancies in Zambia and explored whether alcohol use is linked to behaviors that transmit the HIV virus.
Zambia: Objectives
Tobacco Use in the Middle East
In this project, one study focuses on the role of family attitudes and practices and religious beliefs in the use and nonuse of tobacco among college students in Saudi Arabia. The other study explores the extent of sheesha use among future teachers in Kuwait.
Middle East: Objectives & Activities
Tobacco Prevention in the USA
The Prevention Center has focused extensively on the use of tobacco in the United States. This research has produced several publications as well as tobacco education curricula and videos for use in school-based prevention settings. Since 2001 the Prevention Center has conducted studies of smokeless tobacco expectancies and intentions to use, as well as developed and tested a smokeless tobacco expectancy challenge curriculum.
Tobacco Prevention in the USA: Publications, Papers, and Curricula
Impact of Tobacco Use on Family Relationships
Smokers across the United States shared detailed and evocative stories about what is behind smoking statistics in the USA. They talked about how family relationships are affected on a day-to-day basis in the home for people who love to smoke, people who want to quit, former smokers, and loved one's who have gone through the death of a family member due to smoking-caused diseases.
Impact of Tobacco Use on Relationships:
Adolescent Use of Other Drugs
Although primarily focused on society's costliest drugs, alcohol and tobacco, NPCADA ocasionally looks at other drugs that impact adolesents. One recent study focused on the prevalence of anabolic steroid use by a general college aged population, and attempts to assess the attitudes and normative factors associated with the decision to use or not to use anabolic steroids.
Colleagues in research