Current Projects: 

Unbelief Within Marginalized Communities (Dena Abbott)

The Influence of Social Class on Atheists' Psychological Well-Being (Millie Myers)

The Lived Experiences of Religious Trauma among Transgender and Gender Diverse People (Patrick Meyer)

Recently Published Papers: 

Abbott, D. M., & Santiago, H. (2023). Rural atheists in the United States: A critical grounded theory investigation. Journal of Counseling Psychology. Advance online publication.

Abbott, D. M., & Anaya, E. J. (2022). “Breaking free”: A grounded theory study of atheist women in the United States. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 46(4), 501-517.

Abbott, D. M.Mollen, D., Boyles, J., & Anaya, E. J. (2021). Hidden in plain sight: Low-income and working-class atheists. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 69(1), 37-50.

Abbott, D. M. (2021). Psychotherapy with the nonreligious: A relational cultural approach. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 52(5), 470-476.