CYAF Funding and Assistantship Opportunities

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

I am applying for a CYAF Ph.D. program. Does CYAF offer funding for Ph.D. students?

Yes. CYAF aims to provide funding to our Ph.D. students throughout the duration of their programs. Over 95% of our Ph.D. students have been funded throughout their program in the last five years. Full-time doctoral students (registered at least 9 credit hours, or 1 credit hour after establishing candidacy) in residence (physically on campus) are prioritized for assistantship funding during their first four years in the program. Students in 5+ years of enrollment must submit a request for funding to the CYAF Graduate Chair. Students who have received poor performance evaluations in prior years will not be prioritized for assistantship funding.

I am applying for a CYAF master's degree program. Does CYAF offer funding for master's students?

Master's level students are not guaranteed assistantship funding. However, many of our recent master's degree students have received assistantship funding. Funding for master's level students is dependent upon funding availability and the student's timely progress toward graduation. If you are interested in assistantship funding, please email We will do our best to accommodate your request.

What does a graduate assistantship include?

Graduate assistantships include a stipend, up to 12 credit hours of tuition remission during the semester of appointment (some include tuition remission for the summer), and health insurance coverage at a reduced cost.

Our total annual financial package for a Ph.D. student is worth $36,834. This includes the following:

  • A stipend in the amount of $21,168 paid over 10 months for a 19.6 hour graduate assistantship.
  • A tuition waiver for up to 36 credit hours annually totalling $12,708.
  • A health insurance subsidy of $2,958.
What are CYAF's stipend rates for graduate assistantships?
Degree ProgramHours/FTEStipend*
Ph.D.19.6 hours (.49 FTE)$21,168
M.S.19.6 hours (.49 FTE)$17,150
M.S.16 hours (.40 FTE)$15,000


*9-month assistantship stipend paid over 10-months

What requirements are there for having a graduate assistantship?

To hold a graduate assistantship a student must be admitted for a specific graduate degree objective and enrolled in at least one credit during the fall and spring semesters. Non-degree students are not eligible.

Graduate assistants are not required to register for courses during the summer term. Graduate assistants employed in summer without summer enrollment are subject to FICA and Medicare taxes; fees for recreation center usage; limited access to libraries and health center fees.

International graduate students who wish to be employed as teaching assistants at Nebraska must attend the International Teaching Assistant Institute. The summer institute, a concentrated 80-90 hour program, is held the first two weeks of August.

Please visit the Office of Graduate Studies Assistantship website for more information.

What types of graduate assistantship opportunities are available in the CYAF Department?
How do I apply for a graduate assistantship?

There is no formal process to apply for a graduate assistantship. If you are a new student, please email with your request. If you are an existing student, you will be sent a survey to complete once a year (typically in January) to complete indicating your assistantship preferences.

Aside from graduate assistantships, what other funding opportunities are available?

Please visit the Resources for Graduate Students page for a list of funding opportunities.