Crystal E. Garcia
Associate Professor & Educational Leadership and Higher Education Specialization Ph.D. Coordinator
Department of Educational Administration University of Nebraska-Lincoln
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TEAC 118
Lincoln NE 68588-0360 - Phone
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Dr. Crystal E. Garcia’s research critically examines the mechanisms by which racially minoritized college students experience campus environments, specifically focusing on campus climates and the role of student affairs in student experiences. Dr. Garcia is a 2021-2023 ACPA Emerging Scholar-Designee and was awarded the 2022 NASPA Faculty Council Early Career Award , the 2020 NASPA Latinx/a/o Knowledge Community Outstanding Faculty Award, the 2018 AERA Hispanic Research Issues SIG Dissertation of the Year Award, and the 2018 ACPA Burns B. Crookston Doctoral Research Award. Her work has been published in journals including The Journal of College Student Development, The Review of Higher Education, The Journal of Diversity in Higher Education, and the Journal of Hispanic Higher Education. Dr. Garcia is the co-chair of the Association for the Study of Higher Education’s Council on Ethnic Participation’s Mentor-Protégé Program, a member of the ACPA Commission for Professional Preparation Directorate, and a member of the Editorial Boards for the Journal of College Student Development, the Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice, and the College Student Affairs Journal. Her current research projects include a critical analysis of anti-racist practice in sorority and fraternity life, an examination of the experiences of Queer People of Color in culturally-based fraternities and sororities, and an exploration of ways student affairs professionals articulate and enact commitments to diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Prior to her role at Nebraska, Dr. Garcia served as an Assistant Professor of Administration of Higher Education at Auburn University. She also previously worked in several capacities within student affairs and taught high school speech and debate. She earned her Ph.D. in Educational Studies specializing in Educational Leadership and Higher Education at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Originally from Texas, she also obtained her B.S. and M.S. degrees from Texas A&M University-Commerce.
Ph.D., Educational Leadership and Higher Education, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2017
M.S., Higher Education Administration, Texas A&M University-Commerce, 2012
B. S., Speech Communications, Texas A&M University-Commerce, 2008
Areas of Expertise
- Higher Education and Student Affairs
- Campus Climate
- Culturally-Based Fraternities and Sororities
- Critical Analysis
- Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
- Qualitative Methods
Teaching and Advising
Dr. Garcia teaches doctoral students in the Educational Leadership and Higher Educaiton specialization as well as masters students in the student affairs administration specialization program.
Select Publications
- Garcia, C. E., Walker, W., Jenkins, S., & Smith, K. (in press). Culturally-based fraternities and sororities: Representation via institutional websites. Journal of College Student Development.
- Garcia, C. E., Walker, W., Johns, J., Dorsey, C., & Werninck, Z. (in press). Culturally based sororities and fraternities as spaces of activism within predominantly white institutions. Oracle: The Research Journal of the Association of Fraternity/Sorority Advisors.
- Garcia, C. E., Walker, W., Morgan, D., Shi, Y. (2021). Aligning student affairs practice with espoused commitments to equity, diversity, and inclusion. Journal of College Student Development, 62(2), 137-153.
- Duran, A., & Garcia, C. E. (2021). Quaring sorority life: Identity negotiation of queer women of color in culturally-based sororities. Journal of College Student Development, 62(2), 186-202.
- Garcia, C. E., & Duran, A. (2020). “In my letters, but I was still by myself”: Highlighting the experiences of Queer Men of Color in culturally based fraternities. Journal of Diversity in Higher Education. Advance online publication.
- Garcia, C. E. (2020). Belonging in a predominantly White institution: The role of membership in multicultural fraternities and sororities. Journal of Diversity in Higher Education, 13(2), 181-193.
- Garcia, C. E. (2019). Climates for ethnic and racial diversity: Latina/o sorority and fraternity member perspectives. Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice, 57(3), 237-252.
- Garcia, C. E. (2019). “They don't even know that we exist”: Exploring sense of belonging within sorority and fraternity communities for Latina/o members. Journal of College Student Development, 60(3), 319-336.
- Garcia, C. E., Arnberg, B., Weise, J., & Winborn, M. (2019). Institutional responses to events challenging campus climates: Examining the power in language. Journal of Diversity in Higher Education. Advance online publication.
Current Research and Projects
Dr. Garcia's current research projects include a critical content analysis of how culturally-based fraternities and sororities are represented on institutional FSL websites, an examination of the experiences of Queer People of Color in culturally-based fraternities and sororities, and an exploration of ways student affairs professionals articulate and enact commitments to diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Courses Taught
- College Students in America
- Higher Education in America
Honors and Recognition
- 2021-2023, ACPA Emerging Scholar- Designee
- 2020, NASPA Latinx/a/o Knowledge Community Outstanding Faculty Award
- 2019, Auburn University Multicultural Greek Council Faculty Advisor of the Year
- 2019-2020, NASPA Emerging Faculty Leader Academy Region III Representative
- 2018, Dissertation of the Year Award, AERA Hispanic Research Issues SIG
- 2018, Burns B. Crookston Doctoral Research Award, ACPA Commission for Professional Preparation
- 2016, Hutchinson Fellowship, UNL Department of Educational Administration
- 2015, ASHE Graduate Student Travel Scholarship
- 2015, Dr. Joe V Aguilar Fellowship, UNL Department of Educational Administration
- 2020-Present, Assistant Professor, Educational Administration, University of Nebraska–Lincoln
- 2017 – 2020, Assistant Professor, Administration of Higher Education, Auburn University
- 2014 – May 2017, Research Assistant, Educational Administration, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- 2014, Graduate Assistant, Office of New Student Enrollment, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- 2013, Coordinator of Student Activities, Rayburn Student Center, Texas A&M University-Commerce
- 2012-2013, Graduate Assistant of Student Activities, Rayburn Student Center, Texas A&M University-Commerce
- 2008-2012, Teacher, Caddo Mills High School
- Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE)NASPA: Student Affairs Administrators in Higher EducationAmerican Educational Research Association (AERA)ACPA: College Student Educators International