Edward Daly
Professor, Developmental & Learning Sciences
Department of Educational Psychology University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Address
Lincoln NE 68588-0345 - Phone
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Dr. Ed Daly is currently accepting students for the 2025-2026 Academic Year.
Edward J. Daly III, BCBA-D, conducts research on functional assessment methods. He has co-authored numerous chapters and journal articles on this topic. Dr. Daly is Professor of Educational Psychology at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, where he teaches course work in Applied Behavior Analysis, school-based consultation, and single-case experimental designs.
Courses Taught
- EDPS 472 – Psychology of Professional Development and Expertise
- EDPS 863 – Introduction to Applied Behavior Anaysis
- EDPS 900B – Single-Case Experimental Designs in Educational Research
- EDPS 995 – Doctoral Seminar
- EDPS 966 – Psychology of Learning
1992 Ph.D., School Psychology, Syracuse University
1990 M.S., School Psychology, Syracuse University
1985 B.A., Psychology, Gannon University
Honors and Recognition
- 2016, College of Education and Human Sciences Distinguished Teaching Award
- 2006, Elected as a Fellow of Division 16 of the American Psychological Association
- 2003, Elected to the Society for the Study of School Psychology
- 1997, Distinguished Research Award for Contributions to the Division of Human Services, College of Education, University of Cincinnati
- 1985, Award for Excellence in Psychology, Gannon University
- 2007-present, Professor, Graduate Faculty Fellow, Educational Psychology Department, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE
- 2014-2016, Director, School Psychology Program, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- 2002-2007, Associate Professor, Graduate Faculty Fellow, School Psychology Training Program, Educational Psychology Department, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE
- 2001-2002, Director, School Psychology Training Program, Associate Professor, Psychology Department, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI
- 1999-2001, Director, School Psychology Training Program, Assistant Professor, Psychology Department, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI
- 1995-1999, Assistant Professor, School Psychology Program, Division of Human Services, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
- 1993-1995, Adjunct Professor, Reading and Language Arts Dept., School of Education, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY
- 1990-1995, School Psychologist, Syracuse City School District, Syracuse, Syracuse, NY
- 1989-1990, School Psychology Intern, Syracuse City School District, Syracuse, NY
- 1989, Graduate Teaching Assistant, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY
- 1986-1988, Graduate Research Assistant, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY
- Association for Behavior Analysis