Kenji Rashaan Madison

Avatar for Kenji Rashaan Madison

Kenji Rashaan Madison

Affiliate Faculty

Ofc Acad Success/Intercultural Svcs University of Nebraska-Lincoln


HCCN 127 550 N 19th Street
Lincoln NE 68588-0628
402-472-1877 On-campus 2-1877

CV: Download

My research interests are in the pathways that influence students’ social outcomes, with a focus on students of color. My desire is to understand the essential role of student-teacher relationships on students’ long-term social outcomes including, peer relationships, students’ sense of belongingness, self and emotional regulation, and self-perception.  Within the teaching context, I hold to the view, that the teaching and learning process is transactional, and as we engage in this process, we will all endeavor to leave that experience as better people.

On a personal note, I have a wonderful wife, two children, and three dogs. I consider myself an accomplished cook, I enjoy Judo, baseball, track and field, and I find nothing wrong with ruining someone’s day on Mario Kart 8! I am very active in the community and hold memberships in The Iota Phi Theta Fraternity Incorporated, The NAACP, and I volunteer in many capacities.

I live by this phrase: There is no greater service, than to serve others.