Michael Scheel
Professor, Counseling Psychology
Department of Educational Psychology University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Address
Lincoln NE 68588-0345 - Phone
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Philosophy Statement:
I aspire, as a scholar and as a psychologist, to advance the field of psychotherapy through research, training and practice. I am highly involved as a supervisor of my students as they gain skills and expertise in the field of counseling psychology. My quest is to advance my understanding and the field of counseling psychology's understanding of psychotherapy change processes in individual, group, couple and family therapy. Human diversity and an infinite number of other contexts create an unlimited variety of methods that can potentially foster therapeutic change. I strive to focus on people's strengths, to build on these to influence positive outcomes. Broadly, my work is based on the premise that therapists must, in collaboration with clients, facilitate interventions that fit well with each client's unique context. Context is defined by culture and client strengths. Therapy designed to fit well with a client's context is believed to foster hope and optimism. My work roles include therapist, supervisor, researcher, and teacher. Understanding the cultural context and strengths of my clients, students, and supervisees helps me to be successful in fostering their development. The power of encouragement and emphasizing strengths rather than deficits empowers individuals to attain positive goals.
Courses Taught
- EDPS 320 – Happiness and Well Being through Positive Psychology
- EDPS 965A – Group Counseling
- EDPS 997G - Advanced Practicum in Counseling
- EDPS 995 – Doctoral Seminar
Areas of Expertise:
Couple and Family Counseling
High School Dropout Prevention Programs
Psychotherapy Processes
Positive Psychology
Counselor Training
Ph.D., 1993, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE Major: Counseling Psychology
M.Ed., 1975, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID Major: Guidance and Counseling
B.S., 1973, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE Major: Mathematics Education
Honors and Recognition
- 2006, Faculty Student Mentoring Award, CEHS
- 2003, Student Affairs Recognition Award
- 1992, John A. Glover Memorial Award in recognition of promise and achievement in research activities
- 2001, Scheel, M. J., CEHS International Seed Grant. Academic Motivation and Engagement: A Cross-Cultural Comparison of U.S. and Hong Kong High School Students. $3700.
- 2011, Scheel, M. J., Lincoln Public Schools Dropout Prevention. US Department of Education. $4,500,000 awarded. PI for the Building Bridges through Relationships Program. Subaward, $125,000.
- 2009, Scheel, M. J., & Kunz, G., Building Bridges through Relationships: A High School Dropout Prevention Program. Woods Charitable Fund. $100,000 awarded.
- 2007, Scheel, M. J., Madonna Proactive Clinical Experience Grant: $15,000
- 2005, Scheel, M. J., Madonna Research Grant: $12,000.
- 2004, Scheel, M. J., Madonna Clinical Experience Grant: $15,000.
- 2004, Scheel, M. J., Bischoff, R. J., Caldwell, L. D., Smith, C. W., Hanson, W. E., & Gonzalez-Kruger, G. E., Counseling Psychology and Marriage and Family Therapy Programs Collaboration. CEHS Teaching Initiative Grant: $10,000.
- 2004, Scheel, M. J., Linking the Academic Performance of High School Students to Counseling Interventions by Promoting Intrinsic Motivation: A Layman Project Proposal: $10,000.
- 2003, Scheel, M. J., Nebraska Counselor Academy. A grant from Nebraska Department of Education: $25,000.
- 2001, Scheel, M. J., Pre-counseling Interventions and Multicultural Counseling for UNL Ethnic Minority Students through the Counseling and School Psychology Training Clinic. A UNL Diversity Enhancement Project: $2100.
- 2012-Present, American Board of Professional Psychology (ABPP) Specialty Board Certification in Counseling Psychology
- 2001-Present, Licensed Psychologist, #557, Nebraska
- 1994-Present, Licensed Psychologist, #94-276727-2501, Utah
- 2000-Present, Director of Training, APA accredited Counseling Psychology Program, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- 2000-Present, Associate Professor with tenure, Educational Psychology, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Training Director, Counseling Psychology. Duties include research, teaching and supervision in the Counseling Psychology Program.
- 1993—Present, Associate Professor, Educational Psychology, University of Utah
- 1993-Present, Staff Associate, University of Utah Counseling Center
- 1992, Staff Therapist, Child Guidance Center, Lincoln, Nebraska, Summer, 1992. Provided family therapy for presenting problems of ADHD, oppositional/defiant behavior, adjustment difficulties after divorce, survivors of sexual abuse, ACOA issues.
- 1989-1992, Coordinator and Supervisor, Guidance Laboratory for Gifted and Talented Students, University of Nebraska - Lincoln
- 1976-1988, School Counselor, Daniel J. Gross High School, Omaha, Nebraska
- 1976-1988, Secondary School Math teacher and coach, Daniel J. Gross High School, Omaha, Nebraska
- 1973-1974, Junior High Mathematics teacher and coach, Sts. Peter and Paul School, Omaha, Nebraska
- 1975-1976, Head Resident, Rogers Hall, Washington State University, Pullman, Washington. Director of Residence Living
- 1992-1993, Pre-doctoral Psychology Internship, Montana State University Counseling and Psychological Services, Bozeman, MT (APA-approved)
- 1993, Pre-doctoral Psychology Internship, Montana State Mental Hospital, Warm Springs, MT (state hospital rotation)
- 1989-1990, Advanced Counseling Practicum, Child Guidance Agency, Lincoln, NE
- 1991-1992, Family Counseling Practice
- Council of Counseling Psychology Training Programs (CCPTP)
- American Psychological Association (APA)
- Division 17, APA - Society of Counseling Psychology (SCP)
- SCP Section for the Promotion of Psychotherapy Science (SPPS
- Division 43, APA – Society of Family Psychology
- Division 32, APA - Psychotherapy
- Nebraska Counseling Association (NCA)
- Nebraska Psychological Association (NPA
- Co-Chair, Master’s Competencies Work Group, Jointly organized by SCP and CCPTP, September, 2011.
- Past-Chair, Council of Counseling Psychology Training Programs (CCPTP), 2010-2011.
- Chair, Council of Counseling Psychology Training Programs (CCPTP), 2009-2010.
- Past-Chair, Section for the Promotion of Psychotherapy Science (SPPS), Society of Counseling Psychology, 2009-2010.
- Liaison to the Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards (ASPPB) from CCPTP, 2008-2010.
- Chair-elect, Council of Counseling Psychology Training Programs (CCPTP), 2008-2009.
- Chair, Strategic Task Group (STG) on Master’s Level Counseling Training, Society of Counseling Psychology, Division 17, APA, 2008-2010.
- Executive Board, Council of Counseling Psychology Training Programs (CCPTP), 2007-2010
- Chair designate, Council of Counseling Psychology Training Programs (CCPTP), 2007-2008
- Executive Board Secretary, APA Division 17 Section for the Promotion of Psychotherapy Science (SPPS), 2006-2007.
- Chair-elect, APA Division 17 Section for the Promotion of Psychotherapy Science (SPPS), 2007-2008.
- Member, APA accreditation site visit; U. of Oklahoma; February, 2006.
- Chair, Special Interest Groups Committee, Division 43 of APA, 1999-2000.
- Member, University Institutional Review Board, 2007 to 2010 (UNL)
- Senator, Academic Senate, 2001 to 2003 (UNL)Member, General University Institutional Review Board, 1994-1998 (U of U)