In the Social and Emotional Development concentration, the focus of coursework and research is on children’s social and emotional development, the contexts within which this development occurs, and the ways that experiences shape and are shaped by development. Faculty members apply diverse research methods and perspectives to understand the complex processes of development from infancy through adulthood. Students collaborate closely with faculty for comprehensive training in developmental theories and methods in the study of child temperament, developmental psychopathology, emotional responses to stress, family and peer relationships, the well-being of diverse learners, and school and social adjustment. Students are also encouraged to capitalize on our strong tradition of interdisciplinary collaborations with community and campus partners and to tailor their program of study to their own unique research interests.

Eric Buhs
Child and adolescent peer relations, peer victimization, school engagement, Latino youth

Hideo Suzuki
Bullying, stress, aggression, depression, mental health