Children’s National Hospital Child Clinical Fellowship - ADHD and Learning Differences

Children’s National Hospital Child Clinical Fellowship - ADHD and Learning Differences

20 Oct 2023    

The ADHD & Learning Differences Program invites applications for a postdoctoral fellow position. We are seeking individuals with a strong interest in interventions/implementation research and/or digital mental health. The primary activities for the fellow include leading publications, grant writing, presentations and participating in ADHD & Learning Differences Program activities including providing implementation consultation to school mental health providers. The fellow will also have a leadership role in a school-based randomized controlled trial funded by the NIMH evaluating a technology-enhanced organization/time management skills intervention. The fellow will have the opportunity to publish manuscripts from project data as well as access to multiple large longitudinal and treatment datasets focused on attention, behavior, and psychosocial functioning in children, adolescents, and emerging adults. Applicants should have strong analytic/statistical skills in order to take full advantage of these opportunities. At least fifty percent effort will be protected time for publication and grant writing. The fellow will also have the opportunity to work with other members of the Center for Translational Research, CTSI-CN, and across the Division of Psychology & Behavioral Health including other faculty, fellows, and students. The one-to-two-year fellowship is designed to prepare the fellow for pursuit of a tenure-track position in academia and licensure in psychology. Fellows receive weekly clinical and research mentoring with the goal of ensuring that they are highly competitive job applicants upon completion of fellowship. The ADHD & Learning Differences Program has a thriving mental health clinic where the fellow can gain hours towards licensure. Fellowships in the ADHD & Learning Differences Program are part of a larger network of Psychology Fellowships in the Division of Psychology and Behavioral Health at Children’s National with associated didactic and professional development training. Additional opportunities are available in program development, education, research, advocacy, and community engagement.


• Candidates should have a doctorate in Clinical Psychology, School Psychology, Developmental Psychology or related field at the time the fellowship starts

• We encourage applications from all competitive applicants, with attention to experience in interventions/implementation research, academic-community partnerships, or school mental health


Send application materials via email to: Melissa Dvorsky, PhD – • Letter of interest describing research accomplishments and plans for future scholarship

• Curriculum vitae

• Provide names and contact information for 3 references

Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis as they are received until the position is filled, and applicants are encouraged to apply by December 1, 2023. Potential applicants are welcome to schedule a meeting with Dr. Dvorsky ( to discuss fit. Please include “ADHD Fellowship” in subject of your email.

Across Children’s National, there is a strong commitment to recruit, train, and retain trainees, faculty, and staff of diverse and underrepresented backgrounds in academic medicine. Applicants from diverse and underrepresented backgrounds in academic medicine are strongly encouraged to apply. Children’s National is an equal opportunity employer with a commitment to racial, cultural, gender and sexual orientation diversity.

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