Susan Sheridan
Director of Nebraska Center for Research on Children, Youth, Families and Schools and George Holmes University Professor, School Psychology
The Nebraska Center for Research on Children, Youth, Families & Schools (CYFS) University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Address
CPEH 064
LINCOLN NE 68588-0235 - Phone
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Ph.D., 1989, University of Wisconsin-Madison. Major: Educational (School) Psychology. APA accredited School Psychology Program.
M.S., 1984, Western Illinois University. Major: Psychology, Emphasis in School Psychology
B.S., 1982, Western Illinois University. Major: Psychology; Minor: Sociology
Courses Taught
- EDPS 493 – Workshop Seminar
- EDPS 995 – Doctoral Seminar
- EDPS 996B – Readings in Educational Psychology
- EDPS 997K – Supervision in School Psychology
Honors and Recognition
- Nebraska Licensed Psychologist
- Nationally Certified School Psychologist
- Utah State Certified School Psychologist
- Dr. Sheridan is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association and Editor until January 2006 of School Psychology Review (official journal of the National Association of School Psychologists). She has written several books, chapters, and journal arti
- 2005, Presidential Award, National Association of School Psychologists\
- 2003, Willa Cather Professorship, named on the basis of a demonstrated record of distinguished scholarship
- 2000, Nominated for the School Psychology Quarterly/Division 16 Fellows Award for best article: “Patterns of Relational Control in Conjoint Behavioral Consultation” (Erchul, Sheridan, Ryan, Grissom, Killough, & Mettler)
- 1999, Member, Society for the Study of School Psychology
- 1998, Fellow, American Psychological Association
- 1997, Recipient of the Best Article Award (over 3 volume years) from the Society for the Study of School Psychology/Journal of School Psychology: Implementing Scientific Practices through Interventions and Consultation(Galloway & Sheridan, 1995)
- 1996, Recipient of the Utah Association of School Psychologists School Psychologist of the Year Award
- 1996, Nominated for the School Psychology Quarterly/Division 16 Fellows Award for best article: Parent Training in Interactive Book Reading: An Investigation of its Effects with Families At-risk(Taverne & Sheridan)
- 1995, Recipient of the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Education Outstanding Recent Graduate Award
- 1993, Recipient of the Division 16 of the American Psychological Association Lightner Witmer Award for early career accomplishments
- 1993, Nominated for the School Psychology Quarterly/Division 16 Fellows Award for best article: Consultant and Client Outcomes of Competency-based Behavioral Consultation Training
- 1989, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Graduated with high honors (Ph.D.)
- 1988, Nominated for Jean Hankinson Award for Exceptional Students in School Psychology, Wisconsin School Psychology Association
- 1984, Elected to Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society
- 1984, Western Illinois University; Graduated with high honors (M.S.)
- 1982, Western Illinois University; Graduated with honors (B.S.)
- 2008-2012, Principal Investigator. “Postdoctoral Fellowship for Research on Consultation-Based Interventions for Students with Social and Behavioral Concerns.” U.S. Department of Education. Grant Total: $599,694 for four years.
- 2005–2008, Co-Principle Investegator (T. Glover, Co-Principal Investigator). “Evaluation of the Efficacy of CBC for Addressing Disruptive Behaviors of Children at-Risk for Academic Failure.” U.S. Department of Education. Grant Total: $1,368,067 for three
- 2004–2009, Co-Principal Investigator (E. Daly, Principal Investigator; M. McCurdy, G. Kunz, Co-Investigators). “Response to Intervention.” U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services. Grant Total: $800,000 for fou
- 2003–2008, Principal Investigator (C. Edwards, Co-Investigator). “Parent Engagement and Child Learning Birth to Five. National Institutes of Health. Grant total: $5,037,856 for five years.
- 1996, 1998, Psychologist: University of Utah Psychoeducational Clinic; Salt Lake City, UT
- 1991, 1992, Psychologist: Learning Problems Clinic; Primary Children? Medical Center; Salt Lake City, UT
- 1990, 1996 Social Skills Training Group Facilitator: Learning Problems Clinic; Primary Children? Medical Center; Salt Lake City, UT
- 1988, 1989, Professional Psychology Pre-Doctoral Internship Nebraska Internship Consortium in Professional Psychology (APA-Approved, 1991). Rivendell Psychiatric Center; Seward, NE. Supervisor: James C. Carmer, Ph.D.
- 1987, Parent Consultation Group for Parents of Children with Friendship Difficulties. Psychoeducational Clinic; Department of Educational Psychology; University of Wisconsin-Madison
- 1985, 1986, Consultant: Janesville, New Holstein, Madison School Districts Consultation with teachers of elective mute children
- 1985, School Psychologist Clinician: Psychoeducational Clinic; Department of Educational Psychology; University of Wisconsin-Madison
- 1985, Activity Facilitator: Rocvale Children? Home; Rockford, IL
- 1984, 1985, School Psychologist Intern: Harlem Consolidated School District, Rockford, IL
- 1983, 1984, School Psychologist Clinician: Psychoeducational Clinic; Department of Psychology; Western Illinois University
- 1983, Group Co-Facilitator: Parents Assistance Group Department of Psychology; Western Illinois University
- 1982, Paraprofessional Counselor: McDonough County Rehabilitation Center; Macomb, IL
- 1980, 1982 Paraprofessional Counselor: WIU Hotline; Department of Psychology; Western Illinois University
- 1998, Full Professor with Tenure
- 1994-1998, Associate Professor with Tenure
- 1995-Present, Supervisor of Consultation Services; U.S. Department of Education Federal Grants
- 1996-1998, Supervisor of School Psychology Graduate Students; University of Utah Psychoeducational Clinic
- 2001–2002 Consultant: Lincoln Public Schools Student Assistance Team Continuous Improvement Project
- 1999-Present, Consultant: St. Joseph Elementary School, Lincoln Diocese
- 1999-Present, Consultant: Meadowlane Elementary School, Lincoln Public Schools
- 1996, Consultant: Vista Elementary School, Granite School DistrictCCon
- 1995, Consultant: Truman Elementary TIPS Program, Granite School District
- American Psychological Association
- American Psychological Association Division 16
- American Psychological Association - Division 54
- National Association for the Education of Young Children
- National Association of School Psychologists
- Society for Research in Child Development
- Nebraska School Psychology Association
- Nebraska Psychological Association