
Journal Publications

1. Hasnin, S., Bhatti, N., & Dev, D. A. (2023). Criterion Validity of Veggie Meter® to Estimate Fruit and Vegetable Consumption in Non-Hispanic White Preschool Children. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior55(7), 66.

2. Purkait, T., Dev, D., Srivastava, D., & Franzen-Castle, L. (2023). The Impact of FNAPs on Young Children's Food Environment in ECEs: A Systematic Review Using the RE-AIM Framework. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 55(7), 42-43.

3. Hasnin, S., Dev, D. A., Swindle, T., Sisson, S. B., Pitts, S. J., Purkait, T., ... & Stage, V. C. (2023). Systematic review of reflection spectroscopy-based skin carotenoid assessment in children. Nutrients15(6), 1315.

4. Dev, D. A., Hillburn, C., Luxa, J., Lessard, L., Bauer, K. W., Cotwright, C., & Tovar, A. (2022). Implementation of federal waivers for feeding children in early care and education during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior54(10), 925-938.

5. Dev, D. A., Padasas, I., Hillburn, C., Stage, V. C., & Dzewaltowski, D. A. (2022). Ecological Approach to Family-Style, Multilevel Child Care Intervention: Formative Evaluation Using RE-AIM Framework. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior54(8), 728-744.

6. Dev, D. A., Garcia, A. S., Dzewaltowski, D. A., Sisson, S., Franzen-Castle, L., Rida, Z., ... & Burger, C. (2020). Provider reported implementation of nutrition-related practices in childcare centers and family childcare homes in rural and urban Nebraska. Preventive Medicine Reports, 17, 101021.

7. Dev, D. A., Garcia, A. S., Tovar, A., Hatton-Bowers, H., Franzen-Castle, L., Rida, Z., Reddish, L., Smith, J. A., Burger, C., Dinkel, D., Behrends, D., Hulse E., & Sheridan, S. (2019). Contextual factors influence professional development attendance among child care providers in Nebraska. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior.

8. Sleet, K., Sisson, S. B., Dev, D. A., Love, C., Williams, M. B., Hoffman, L. A., & Jernigan, V. B. B. (2019). The Impact of Responsive Feeding Practice Training on Teacher Feeding Behaviors in Tribal Early Care and Education: The FRESH Study. Current Developments in Nutrition.

9. Snyder, K., Rida, Z., Hulse, E., Dev, D. A.*, & Dinkel, D. (2019). Exploring Rural and Urban GO NAP SACC Trained Child Care Providers Perceptions and Needs Regarding the Promotion of Physical Activity and Healthy Eating. Cogent Social Sciences, 1650412.

10. Rida, Z., Hall, E., Hasnin, S., Coffey, J., & Dev, D. A. (2019). The perception of school food-service professionals on the implementation of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010: a mixed-methods study, Public Health Nutrition, 1-11.

11. Stage, V., Downing C., Hegde, A., Dev, D. A., Peterson, A. D., & Goodell, L. S. (2019). Comparison of Parent and Child Ratings of Fruit and Vegetable Liking to Assess Parent Accuracy as Proxy Reporters. Ecology of Food and Nutrition, 58(2), 166-186.

12. Garcia, A. S., Takahashi, S., Anderson-Knott, M., & Dev, D. A.* (2019). Determinants of Physical Activity for Latino and White Middle School-Aged Children. Journal of School Health, 89(1), 3-10.

13. Dev, D. A., Burton, A., McBride, B. A., Edwards, C. P., & Garcia, A. S. (2019). An Innovative, Cross-Disciplinary Approach to Promoting Child Health: The Reggio Emilia Approach and the Ecological Approach to Family Style Dining Program. Childhood Education, 95(1), 57-63.

14. Rida, Z., Burger, C., Dev, D. A., Smith, J., & Hasnin, S. (2018). Assessment of Nutrition Knowledge of Childcare Providers Regarding the Implementation of the 2017 CACFP Meal Pattern Update. American Journal of Health Education, 1-11.

15. Srivastava, D., Torquati, J., de Guzman, M. R. T., & Dev, D. A.* (2018). Understanding Parental Ethnotheories and Practices About Healthy Eating: Exploring the Developmental Niche of Preschoolers. American Journal of Health Promotion, 33(5), 727-735.

16. Garcia, A. S., Dev, D. A.*, & Stage, V. (2018). Predictors of Parent Engagement Based on Child Care Providers’ Perspectives. Journal of Nutrition and Behavior, 50(9), 905-912.

17. Dev, D. A., Williams, N. A., Iruka, I., Garcia, A. S., Patwardhan, I., Cummings, K., Guo, Y. A.,….Rida, Z. (2018). Improving the Nutrition and Screen Time Environment through Self-assessment in Family Childcare Homes in Nebraska. Public Health Nutrition.

18. Garcia, A., Dev, D. A.*, McGinnis, C., Thomas, T., & The Learning Child Team. (2018). Impact of an Extension Social Media Tool Kit on Audience Engagement. Journal of Extension 56(2).

19. Dinkel, D., Dev, D. A., Guo, Y., Hulse, E., Rida, Z., Sedani, A., & Coyle, B. (2018). Improving the Physical Activity and Outdoor Play Environment of Family Child Care Homes in Nebraska Through Go Nutrition and Physical Activity Self-Assessment for Child Care. Journal of Physical Activity & Health.

20. Dev, D. A., Blitch, K. A., Hatton-Bowers, H., Ramsay, S. A., & Garcia, A. S. (2018). How to Create Videos for Extension Education: An Innovative Five-Step Procedure. Journal of Extension, 56(2).

21. Conner, N. W., Dev, D. A., Krause, K. (2018). Needs Assessment for Informing Extension Professional Development Trainings on Teaching Adult Learners. Journal of Extension, 56(3).

22. Dev, D. A., Carraway-Stage, V., Schober, D. J., McBride, B. A., Kok, C. M., & Ramsay, S. (2017). Implementing the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Benchmarks for Nutrition Education for Children: Child-Care Providers’ Perspectives. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 117(12), 1963-1971.

23. Dev, D. A., Speirs, K. E., Williams, N. A., Ramsay, S., McBride, B. A., & Hatton-Bowers, H. (2017). Providers perspectives on self-regulation impact their use of responsive feeding practices in child care. Appetite, 118, 66-74.

24. Dev, D. A., Williams, C. B., Ramsay, S., McBride, B. A., Srivastava, D., May, A., Arcan, C., & Adachi-Mejia, A. (2017). Engaging Parents to Promote Children’s Nutrition and Health: Providers’ Barriers and Strategies in Head Start and Child Care Centers. American Journal of Health Promotion, 31, 153-162.

25. Williams, N. A., Dev, D. A., Hankey, M., & Blitch, K. A. (2017). Role of food preoccupation and current dieting in the associations of parental feeding practices to emotional eating in young adults: A moderated mediation study. Appetite, 111, 195-202.

26. Dev, D. A., McBride, B. A., Speirs, K. E., Blitch, K. A. Williams, N. A. (2016). “Great Job Cleaning Your Plate Today!” Determinants of Child-Care Providers’ Use of Controlling Feeding Practices: An Exploratory Examination. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 116, 1803-1809.

27. Hankey, M., Williams, N. A., & Dev, D. A.* (2016). Uninvolved Maternal Feeding Style Moderates the Association of Emotional Overeating to Preschoolers’ Body Mass Index z-Scores. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 48, 530-537.

28. Lisson, S., Goodell, L. S., Dev, D. A.*, Wilkerson, K., Hegde, A. V., & Stage, C. A. (2016). Nutrition Education Resources in North Carolina–Based Head Start Preschool Programs: Administrator and Teacher Perceptions of Availability and Use. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 48, 655-663.

29. Tandon, P. S., Tovar, A., Jayasuriya, A. T., Welker, E., Schober, D. J., Copeland, K., Dev, D. A., Murriel, A. L., Asmo, D., & Ward, D. A. (2016). The relationship between physical activity and diet and young children's cognitive development: A systematic review. Preventive Medicine Reports, 3, 379-390.

30. Dev, D. A., McBride, B. A., Speirs, K. E., Donovan, S. M., & Cho, H. K. (2014). Predictors of Head Start and Child-Care Providers’ Healthful and Controlling Feeding Practices with Children Aged 2 to 5 Years. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 114(9), 1396-1403.

31. Dev, D. A., Speirs, K. E., McBride, B. A., Donovan, S. M., & Chapman Novakofski, K. (2014). Head Start and child care providers’ motivators, barriers and facilitators to practicing family-style meal service. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 29, 649-659.

32. McBride, B. A., Dev, D. A. (2014). Preventing Childhood Obesity: Strategies to Help Preschoolers Develop Healthy Eating Habits. Young Children, 69(5), 36-57.

33. Dev, D. A. McBride, B. A., & STRONG Kids Research Team (2013). Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Benchmarks for Nutrition in Child Care 2011: Are Child-Care Providers across Contexts Meeting Recommendations? Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 113, 1346-1353.

34. Dev, D. A. McBride, B. A., Fiese, B. H., Jones, B. L., Cho, H., & STRONG Kids Research Team (2013). Risk Factors for Overweight/Obesity in Preschool Children: An Ecological Approach. Childhood Obesity, 9(5), 399-404.

Extension Publications

    1. Peter, J., Garcia, S., Dev, D. A.*, Rida, Z. (2018). Using Culturally Responsive Feeding Practices: An Avenue to Promote Healthy Child Eating Behaviors. Nebraska Extension.
    2. Clark, C., Hatton-Bowers, H., Gottschalk, C., Dev, D. A., & Poppe, L. (2017). Self-­Regulation In Early Childhood. Nebraska Extension.
    3. Clark, C., Hatton-Bowers, H., Gottschalk, C., Dev, D. A., & Poppe, L. (2017). Strategies For Helping Young Children With Self-­Regulation. Nebraska Extension.
    4. Garcia, S., Aldekhe, A. Z., Dev, D. A.*, Foged, J. J., & Kunz, G. M. (2017). Enhancing Mealtimes For Children With Autism: Feeding Challenges And Strategies. Nebraska Extension.
    5. Swartz, A. R., & Dev, D. A. (2014). Little Kids Cook! Participant's Guide. Nebraska Extension.

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