Ordering Supplies

Email Lisa McConnell. It helps if you find the item online and include the link and a cost object number if necessary.

Other Forms

Non-University Travel Leave Form
    (Used for any non-university travel leave to notify the CYAF office of your absence.)
Permission For Access To a Faculty Office
    (Used to allow students into your office. Send original to Kaelie Kellner.)
Purchasing Card Transaction Voucher: PDF or Excel.
    (This is the most recent version, for those of you with a P Card.)
Visiting Personnel Expense Voucher
    (Used for guests to the university. Send original to Kaelie Kellner.)

University and CEHS Documents

University of Nebraska-Lincoln Syllabus Policy

CEHS Syllabus Recommendations

HDFS Career Path Curriculum Examples for Syllabus Statements


Check out the CEHS Grants page for more information.