Anubhuti School Experience

An International Experience That Will Change Your Life

Traced Picture of School

The Department of Child, Youth and Family Studies, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, and Jain Irrigation Systems, Ltd. are sponsoring a rich immersion international engagement experience working with children and teachers at Anubhuti Schools in Jalgaon, India. We are looking for 3-4 adventurous students who are looking for an international experience that will change their lives.

Check out blogs and videos of their experiences below!

Anubhuti 2017 Blog  Anubhuti Instagram Blog

The Anubhuti schools are located in Jalgaon, Maharashtra, India. The Anubhuti schools were founded by Shri Bhavarial Jain, the chairman of the multinational company Jain Irrigation Systems, Ltd.

Jain Irrigation Provides:

  • Transportation to Aurangabad, India from train stations.
  • A comfortable room at the Jain Hills complex on the Anubhuti I campus.
  • Three meals a day.
  • Occasional weekend excursions to the cultural sites near Jalgaon.
  • Warm hospitality and careful attention to needs.

CYAF/UNL Provides:

  • Assistance in applying for the appropriate Indian visa.
  • Pre-trip and post-trip meetings.
  • A faculty member to accompany the group to Jalgaon for a soft handoff.
  • A faculty member to accompany the students from Jalgaon back to the United States.

Travel considerations:

  • India is a difficult travel country.
  • Students need to understand the ethos of Jain Hills and Anubhuti schools and need to agree to respect these traditions and beliefs.
  • Exclusively vegetarian diet, no alcohol, no smoking, standard for dress that is different from that of the United States.
  • Limited evening and weekend activity options.
  • Limited internet access.
  • Students must be able to tolerate seeing conditions that by United States standards would be considered unsanitary. They must be able to walk at least one mile and climb several flights of stairs unaided. Elevators, curb cutouts, etc. are not common in Jalgaon.


Anubhuti School CYAF Handbook    Anubhuti Application